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Sunday. Others say a holiday would disadvantage low-income and blue collar workers and corporations should have better policies for voting time off. Mr. CHRISTENSEN: One of the biggest countries that uses compulsory voting is Australia. [8], In the 2016 presidential election, 55.7% of the American voting-age population cast a ballot. However, rules, dates and deadlines vary by state, which can be confusing to some voters. 1. It would take an act of Congress to make Election Day a national holiday, and there is currently a bill proposing to designate "Democracy Day" as a national election holiday before a special committee. Turning Election Day into a national holiday would instill a sense of pride in all citizens, knowing they have the ability to cast a ballot regardless of work. OK, so why Tuesday? The result is voter turnout rates of 72.3% and 77.2% respectively, which is 26-32% higher than the United States. Runoffs take place on the last Sunday of the same October. 0:58. Why isn't Election Day a national holiday yet? - CNN 14, 2019, BBC, "Singapore Election: Governing Party Secure Decisive Win,, Sep. 12, 2015, Holly Jackson, "It's Time to Make Election Day a Holiday in Law and Spirit,", Oct. 22, 2018, BCP Associates, "India Elections 2019 - Declaration of Paid Holiday on Polling Day,, Apr. ],, "Election Day National Holiday Top 3 Pros and Cons,",, "Election Day National Holiday Top 3 Pros and Cons. ", If so, how? Again, it is not clear that this is demonstrably true but it is a widespread perception. That's true, although the separate "National Day of Commemoration" occurs on the anniversary of the truce ending the Irish war of independence. In theory, it seems that any move that would make it easier for Americans to vote would increase participation. These changes would send a strong rebuke to those who are attempting to scale back voting rights and make it more difficult for African-Americans and Latinos to vote. Without this simple step toward turning out as many Americans as possible to vote, any reform will be incomplete. Even people youd expect to know, like politicians, have been stumped by this very question. Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16? Would Making Election Day a Federal Holiday Boost U.S. Voter Turnout CBS News reporter covering climate change and energy. Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard A cemetery posted a personal ad for a goose whose mate died. However, making National Election Day a holiday will disadvantage low-income and blue . [2] Sundays were for rest and worship, and on Wednesdays farmers typically sold their crops at the market, making Tuesdays the best day of the week. Nine states classify general elections as holidays: Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island and Virginia. Elections Held on Tuesdays?, (accessed Sep. 30, 2019), Evan Andrews, "Election 1010: Why Do We Vote on a Tuesday in November?,, Aug. 31, 2018, Grace Panetta and Olivia Reaney, "Today Is National Voter Registration Day. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Some countries use electronic voting machines, such as India, while others rely on paper ballots, such as Zimbabwe. One major reason: It comes down to tradition, Troy said. First Sunday of July until 2018. In an interview with President Barack Obama in 2016, Dan Corey, editor-in-chief of Rutgers University's official student newspaper, The Daily Targum, asked Obama about what could be done to reverse the US's low voter turnout: The Daily Targum: "You have pointed out many times that voter turnout in the United States is very low, especially compared to other developed nations. In India, for example, a polling place is required within two kilometers (about a mile) of every single person in the country of 1.4 billion. Would making Election Day a federal holiday increase voter turnout and celebrate democracy? High turnout means that people are successfully exercising their rights-a good in itselfbut it also ensures the continuing health of majority rule. South Africa's is from the first democratic elections, in 1994. History of Election Day So when faced with choices like having to take unpaid time off work to vote, waking at the wee hours of the morning to vote so that they're not late to work, standing in hours-long lines with everyone else who waited until after the workday to cast their ballot, or simply not voting at all, many choose the latter. Should Election Day Be a Holiday? Here Are Some Pros and Cons Examine this opinion article from Evil HR Lady Suzanne Lucas on why election day should not be a national holiday. And so while it's very understandable that people are trying to find ways to make it more convenient for people to vote, it's very likely that Election Day as a national holiday would actually hurt the voters who most need more options," Becker said. These numbers also may be indicative of higher turnout for major elections, but may not reflect engagement in local or regional elections. A simple but effective change, however, could be made in election timing. Incidentally, Australia routinely reaches more than 90 percent voter turnout, compared to the United States, where average voter turnout in presidential elections since 1965 has been only 54%. [8], Among registered voters in the 2016 US presidential election, being too busy or having a conflicting schedule was the third-highest reason cited for not voting, accounting for 14% of registered voters who did not cast a vote (about 2.7 million people). Tuesday was chosen because it was most convenient for farmers traveling by horse and buggy at the time. Disclaimer: Dates and Events correct at time of printing but may change without our knowledge. And in Australia, there is a fine. Why not make Election Day a national holiday? - CBS News Sunday: first Sunday of February for the President, Vice-President, and Legislative Assembly; second Sunday of February for municipal elections. So, workers having a day off to vote wouldn't be a disruption to the economy, or anything a citizen of our country could deny would be worthwhile and smart thing to do. 5 Reasons Election Day Should Be a National Holiday - Global Citizen Georgia grassroots groups helped Biden win. Opponents say kids arent mature enough to vote. Last week his office released a list of voting rights provisions he would support. Some say a holiday would increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote while celebrating democracy. Think of things such as voter ID laws, lowering the voting age, and abolishing the Electoral College. With just about six in 10 voters turning out to vote in the U.S., some civil rights advocates are arguing that it's about time to give Americans the day off to vote. [31] Same-day registration boosts turnout by 5%, and universal implementation of it would have added as many as 4.8 million voters in the 2016 election, according to Danielle Root, JD, and Liz Kennedy, JD, from the Center for American Progress. Make election day a national holiday : r/WhitePeopleTwitter - reddit Is Election Day a Holiday in Your State? | RepresentUs It is very, very hard to change core American traditions.. And even a number of the blue countries, such as Australia and Canada, are actually the product of colonialism. But in many other countries, the government automatically registers voters and holds elections on days that are weekend days or national holidays. Sweden came second with 82.6%. For example, Australia typically has a turnout in the 90 percent or more range, and other nations such as Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Mexico achieve very high turnout via universal voting and time off for voting. He thinks the increased options afforded by early and mail-in voting could be undermined by making Election Day a holiday, creating "a solution in search of a problem.". Americans are working all the time. And that election saw the second highest voter turnout in 20 years. The US ranks 26th out of 32 for voter turnout among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. If your thoughts have not changed, list two to three ways your better understanding of the other side of the issue now helps you better argue your position. In-person polls open Sunday at 12:01am, close Saturday at 11:59pm. [31]. In the 2016 presidential election, 60% of the eligible voting population vast a vote; this year, a staggering 47.5%participated in the midterms, compared to 37% in 2014 and 41% in 2010, the years of other midterm elections. Opponents say it allows only a few states to select the president. In many countries, general elections are always held on a Saturday or Sunday, to enable as many voters as possible to participate; while in other countries elections are always held on a weekday.However, some countries, or regions within a country, which hold elections on a weekday declare election day a public holiday. Operated 24:7 through the week. It happens to be on the day the politicians themselves get elected. South Korea and Israel hold theirs during the week, but have made the day a federal holiday. First published on October 26, 2020 / 10:57 AM. Traditionally on weekends. In fact, these voters may be more likely to have to work as a result of a federal election holiday, where they may have had time off previously on a random Tuesday in November. In the United States, it varies from state to state and even county to county, so the idea that one entire country might use the same voting method is actually pretty unique to Americans! For other uses, see. And I think on Election Day we should have a national holiday which says, 'you don't have to rush to vote.' The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a group that includes 36 countries. Today in my country it is a national holiday as we celebrate the day when St. Paul converted our whole country to Catholicism in AD 60. #FridayNight | #FridayNight | By Citizen TV Kenya - Facebook Over 60 court cases reviewed the evidence and judgesappointed by both Republican and Democratic presidents alikereached the same conclusion: there was no compelling evidence of fraud. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Last Tuesday was election day in the United States, and this year we voted in the midterm elections. Others say a holiday would disadvantage low-income and blue collar workers and corporations should have better policies for voting time off. And even if it were a federal holiday, that wouldn't ensure that all voting-age Americans would have the day off. Where Is Election Day a Holiday? - Ms. Magazine Maybe Making Election Day a National Holiday Wouldn't Really Work The correct answer is B. Advertisement Advertisement marberman marberman Lists national days around the world by country or date. As you can see, the world is mostly divided between countries that celebrate a national independence day and countries that celebrate a national unification or revolution day. In 2007, the country held the world's first general Internet election. Election day is a national holiday. [6] Election Day could be made a holiday if a bill were passed by the House and Senate then signed into law by the president. "While this would not be a cure-all, it would indicate a national commitment to create a more vibrant democracy.". Right now, federal elections are always held on Tuesdays, because farmers in the 1840s needed multiple days to get to the . As a holiday, that means several millions of people would have the day off from work or school, making it way . Should election day be made a national holiday? | Britannica But Gupta said that there's been a "lack of political will" to give the initiative some momentum. It is the day when popular ballots are held to select public officials. The U.S. ranks 26th out of 32 for voter among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Countries like France, Germany, and India all recognize Election Day as a national holiday or hold elections on the weekend in order to increase voter turnout. In addition to honoring the sacrifices veterans have made, it would remind Americans that voting is a national duty, an obligation both to one another and to the nation; and it would strengthen American democratic political culture, by way of new rituals and traditions, Jill Lepore a Harvard professor of American history wrote in an essay for Politico. Countries that have weekend or holiday elections do tend to have better turnout overall. Sometimes, specific ballot measures can influence voter turnout: in the UK, the Brexit vote resulted in a 72% turnout, slightly higher than the average of 69%. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Proponents say the Electoral College ensures everyone selects the president. Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island and New York have also made Election Day into a state holiday. American election laws have been reformed before with minimal impact on voter turnout which remains low compared to other democracies around the world. Elections to the Bundestag may be held on another public holiday. Puerto Rico's voter turnout has gone as high as 80 . Election Day is already a holiday for state employees in more than a dozen states including Kentucky, Michigan, and New York. While young people are generally less likely to vote, they are more motivated by the issue of freedom of speech than older generations. Saudi Arabia's marks the 1932 unification of the country. Read more: You can take time off from work to vote in 30 states here's the full list. According to Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus, Australia adopted compulsory voting in 1924 after turnout there dropped to less than 60 percent in 1922. Congress would shore up the peoples right to vote while guaranteeing the time to engage in this fundamental right. There is no fixed election day for general elections, although since 1986 every general election has been held on Sunday. Some say a holiday would increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote while celebrating democracy. Stay up to date with what you want to know. All federal elections take place the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. - Zkon o podmienkach vkonu volebnh", "The Effectiveness of Early Voting A Case Study of the Republic of Korea", "Ley Orgnica 5/1985, de 19 de junio, del Rgimen Electoral General", "Elections in Venezuela and Pennsylvania: Lessons in Democracy? It would give people time to vote. About 54 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots in the 2012 presidential contest between Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney, according to the Pew Research Center. To look through the stats for voter turnout for other countries, you can visit the website for the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) and explore the data. A 2018 Pew survey found that the majority of Americans (65%) would be in favor of turning Election Day into a national holiday that includes 71% of Democratic-leaning voters and 59% of Republican-leaning voters. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. While countries like Belgium, Sweden, and Turkey saw more than 80% of their estimated voting-age population cast votes in recent elections, less than 56% of the estimated voting-age population. Canada's turnout is about the same as the United States', with an average of 68%, and though one canton in Switzerland has a compulsory voting law, for the country as a whole turnout is around 49%, one of the lowest rates in OECD countries. Before that point, states could hold their presidential elections on any day within a certain 34-day window. And there is no better way to secure democracy than to ensure that everyone has not only the right to vote, but also the meaningful opportunity to cast their ballots. While the Republican efforts are shrouded in their supposed desire to protect the integrity of elections, there is no evidence of significant voter fraud in recent elections, including presidential election in 2020. But these days, Tuesdays are actually quite inconvenient for many Americans, particularly those who cant take time off work to cast their ballots a problem that disproportionately affects Black, Latino and lower-income voters.

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