excuses to get out of drill weekend

Active shooter drills and lockdown drills are one of the few that my kids take seriously. [M]onkey. But Alisons advice is great. Her lashes arent jet black! He doesnt sound reasonable, and I dont think the conversation would go well. They had to go door to door knocking to tell people to leave. And the ironic part: stress can lead to a higher frequency of migraines, even in people taking a preventative medication, so it would actually be quite possible I might actually wake up with one if I were in OPs situation. Some places would accept that and back off, others would, horribly, demand details. I think midterms and finals are possible reasons for an early dismissal the last day of drill if nothing important is going on. Thus, knowing what are some of the acceptable excuses to use so you can tell your boss you are not able to work on the weekends can be useful. It really shook me up in ways I didnt expect. And leaving them alone would be a big question mark to the whole face of humanity. Again her choice is individual and different, but I am glad her workplace is partnering with them so that others who many never have had such drills (me included, 7 workplaces over 30+ years and I have at most had video training) have that opportunity. However, there will be times when we would rather not work weekends and have the weekend free to pursue other interests. What are the best (fake) excuses you've ever used to get out of - Quora Look after yourself. Generally if you submit early enough in advance and have a compelling reason, it will be approved. excuses to get out of drill weekend I would imagine that it helps by not being another unexpected thing going on (if it came down to it) that might throw off someone even further. Updated: Monday, March 20, 2017. I second Alisons phrasing of opting out as a prediction of the future, not as a request: I will not be participating, so how should we proceed? It also can depend on what training is going on. Otherwise, there is no harm in considering. I was thinking this, too. Take the next day off too. How is including that supposed to change the behavior or perception of the students during an actual event in any way? Hi there! Before you comment: Please be kind, stay on-topic, and follow the site's commenting rules. A headache isntsevere enough to render you useless for a long period of time but its bad enough that itll get you out of a social engagement. Wishing you all the best with this difficult situation. So our poor security guard is stuck with trying to clear the error before the fire department responds. Ive never been through any kind of shooter drill. If not, I would call in sick the day before and after to solidfy the excuse. I didnt read through all of the comments, so perhaps this is addressed upthread. Below you'll find way to get out of a date, based on your situation. (I mean, safety is great, but this person is hilariously the most accident-prone person we all know, and always has a story about falling down the stairs or getting a ticket for speeding on the way to work. (You say you dont have traditional HR, but in a large organization theres probably someone youd go to if you needed to request medical or religious accommodations, report harassment or discrimination, or turn in paperwork for FMLA. Something urgent came up that I need to attend to. Some say that it is helpful to have even a few seconds of warning, and that the sound should be loud and trigger serious caution. I could see someone thoughtlessly approaching it like rehearsing a play. And because he isnt reasonable you cant reason with him. The company policy for RST is that it has be approved 30 days before drill (Aug 5-6). But if thats not the case, tell them you were here (at some distant place) to pick up some work. This could potentially be another out for the OP. Seven hours of training is far more likely to be a poorly designed hands-on training that will only cause stress, fear, and trauma, possibly leading to worse outcomes if there ever is a real shooting. Start documenting everything. I was irate several years ago when I found out an unqualified emergency management person made his own active shooter drill video and sent it to all staff at my agency. Sending my best wishes to you. Absolutely. Wanted to add that I agree the real problem is in the proliferation of guns and the lawlessness favored bycertain politicians. by You can go the formal accommodations route. On a serious note this post and the sheer volume of responses speaking to this issue as being so common scares me so much. If you have an awkward situation that youd like example templates for, request a topic here. Written materials and a review of the buildings exits and safe(r) rooms is more than sufficient. (Or maybe youcan!). **Several other events over a long time including the loss of a police officer in the line of duty at a traffic stop at the organization, a murder at the organization, a supervisor I knew dealing with a suicidal worker (despite all of his training, I had to order him to inform the police) and many false alarms. If you have a doctor's note stating that you are too ill to participate in drill, this is a valid excuse. Women are also more likely than men to work two jobs and 6.9% of all workers are employed at more than two jobs. The OG excuse. Thats a totally reasonable length for something so complicated and so intertwined with our everyday work, especially where we may be needed to provide specialized assistance to professional EMS/Fire personnel who have less experience with the particular hazards involved. A chemical material handler from HAZWOPER? Yeah, plans with MYSELF to do nothing but LIE ON THE COUCH with a family size packet of LIGHT & TANGY CHIPS. To unsubscribe, please use the link included in the newsletter. Dear god I have done this too. I skipped out a couple times for various reasons, then had to go in at night, or serve with another unit. That would be my guess too, but we cant know. The first thing that could happen is that your commanding officer could give you a verbal or written counseling statement. Which is even stupider than forcing everyone to do active shooter training in the first place. Its in back of my mind when I go to various stores. - From a Soldier perspective. But in terms of living vs. surviving, it doesnt affect me at all in the way LW described. Any good boss and company should want you to stay home and recover if you're sick. And you know theyll treat it all as a big game because its all fake anyway. I dont think I could do a drill again. that just sounds unrealistic. No one will want you near them or ask any more questions. What happens if I skip one drill? : r/army - reddit Yup. Please stand firm on the accommodations that you need. This sometimes makes it extremely hard to complete college assignments by their due date. So its a surprise, but not TECHNICALLY because they told everyone about it in advance. Ive been fine since then knowing in advance it would happen and simply closing my door. Id never treat a younger person badly for refusing this. Basically it was a whole thing staged as if some classmates had gotten in a car with a drunk driver and died, involving the local law enforcement, paramedics, etc., and framed as if it was actually happening and not a drill. I got good feedback later about the power of the word, so maybe try it. The shooters there werent interested in us as long as we stayed on our side of the street. You haven't started studying for your exam tomorrow. single. Being sick with anxiety fits the definition of a valid use of a sick day. There are many reasons why you might just not want to work on the weekend, such as: In this instance, you can propose a better alternative. We should be ashamed that we are teaching children to be prepared for violence, and to be prepared to commit violence from the time they are toddlers on. My father came close to being blown up in the Marks and Sparks Paris bombing. 7 hour training is Crisis Porn. This is considered a valid excuse and your commander should work with you to find an alternate solution . So it just doesnt arise as a thought in the way that, say, the possibility of sexual harassment or sexual violence is always part of my situational awareness. I dont think any of my coworkers wondered why I never went to the storeroom again, nobody certainly said anything to me if they did. Unfortunately I really doubt the boss is going to be at all receptive to having his eyes open, just based on the description of him. Law enforcement response was more organized and confronts shooter relatively quickly. The idea that active shooter training is effective at reducing deaths and injuries in the event of a real active shooter is not. Really, have no qualms about it. I cant tell you the number of times roads and tube stops were closed off and wed mutter not another bloody bomb threat and turn around. OP, go to your primary care provider. I think state law might require us to do x number a year. The MDARNG units I have went to, have a lot of MUTA 6s or 2x2x2. This was a school-sanctioned event!! If its that long Im going to insist that they outline their full plan for workers compensation, life insurance beneficiary process etc in the event of an active shooter situation. Just call in sick. how do you handle being pregnant at work? It was a joke call. Im older woman, early 50s, white, living in Texas where no permit is needed to carry a gun. If you have a medical condition that prevents you from participating in drill, you may be able to get a medical exemption. I dont know what field youre in, but if the pharmacy field where they deal with peoples health/health insurance daily, doesnt have to deal with it, it seems highly unlikely your field should too if it isnt education or medical. If you feel you need to address it with your boss directly, you could do that while being vague. The OP could ask about if theyve done day long trainings on other disasters and how those were handled if that would make a difference, but Im guessing theyd need to opt out regardless. Im a teacher and this comment might be where I have to stop reading this thread for my own mental health. If you play dumb Yeah, I dunno man, it came out of nowhere youll have them feeling sorry for you and totally fine about cancelling. Or deliberately schedule a doctor/dental appointment that day and say sorry it was the only time they could get you in. Somebody is implementing this program, and is either intending it to be voluntary (and your boss is going rogue) or intending it to be mandatory and *really* not thinking it through, and either way I would think the CEO/Owner would want to know about it if you cant get anyone else to listen to you. My kid is still dealing with PTSD as a result of that incident, as are a significant number of their colleagues who were also present that day. Agree. Exactly. With Katrina, it was a mix of local ordinances & state laws which essentially banned communications on specific frequencies. Do I normally condone lying? The next year they just showed a video, called Run, Hide, Fight. We started calling it Run, Hide, Die as a joke, if only because if we didnt laugh at it we would all have gone insane. How to Get Weekends Off at Work: 17 Excellent Tips - Wisestep I think theyre useful, Ive seen them work. Could we catch up at a less hectic week? My supervisor (largest waste of space ever) still talks about how much fun she had getting shot at with foam disks. We like them because we get expert-led courses that we can access anytime, anywhere. Id call in sick the day before as well better cover story. they understand that all you need to do is stay in bed (and watch a movie you just bought). I feel for all of you whove been affected by this, any of this. I dont see whats gained by including all the waiting/hiding time. Each section contains a mixture of fascinating research, creative prompts, activities and instructions, sensory stimuli, and inspiration. Again, be sure to notify your commanding officer as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Even worse was what they advocated we teach kids they expected that we would teach 5-year-olds to run in a zigzag pattern across the playground and show them a safe location to run to (like the next school down the street), or discuss the possibility of an active shooter with them every fall. This came up in the meeting: Run-Hide-Fight includes an active shooter inside the building targeting us, but what do we do for a shooter whos outside targeting someone else? Agreed those, and other things like kids figuring out to hand out scissors, bother me too. I totally get the desensitisation though; Its a self-preservation measure. Not the building burning down. Along with multiple growth options, free site transfers and domains, built-in Content Delivery Network integrations, WordPress support, AND human support we wouldn't go to anyone else. I am not sure why the school wanted you to do this, but the drills are a regular thing for Emergency Services. For example: "Due to some past history that I don't want to go into at work, I am going to opt of out Tuesday's training.". Is college a good excuse for not attending drill? | RallyPoint Now, chill and relax. It wasnt all employees that attended, but a large number of people were part of it. It isnt helpful. Hey [Name] Ive got some stuff going on and I think that would make it difficult to be around me at the moment. Parents regularly talk about sending their kids with headphones so they can plug them in and divert the alarms to something much less likely to be overheard in the event of an active shooter situation. He remembers Columbine and Virginia Tech and Aurora and Sandyhook and Parkland and Pulse . 10 Reasons Why You Should Work From Home Today! Excused absences are just what they sound like - don't have to come in and won't count against you but you also can't make them up. Know what youre signing up for. Afterwards, I refused to go down there alone again, and thankfully none of my shift supervisors gave me a hard time about that. I cannot fathom how it has happened that even young children are expected to learn to react to someone with a gun. Alternatively, its too difficult to talk about also works. A friend from high school was sentenced to life in prison for committing one of the first, and worst, workplace shootings in Massachusetts. The UK is having a heck of a lot of problems, and every so often we wonder if wed need to head back Stateside, but active shooter drills keep it crossed off the list. The first time the drill happened, even knowing in advance, I had a breakdown and had to ask my Dean to leave for the day in tears (she knows my history with this topic). Not a lot you can say to that. Make sure your office doesnt do retaliatory things like this. 4k Images Added per Hour. Im a manager at the lowest level of our management structure. Self-defense probably included too. I like Alisons phrasing for what to say to your boss, it doesnt necessarily imply mental health issues, just that you have a past experience that makes this too close to home. The kind of situation that can easily develop really complex emergencies that take skilled professionals to safely respond. There are plenty of hours in the day to work, but youll only get one chance to attend that special occasion. Anyone can offer this training, and who knows the background of the trainer, if theyve informed and/or worked with law enforcement to plan and schedule the exercise, or if they have any background in the psychological impacts of active shooter situations, simulated or not (doubtful). MP00 PEB Forum Regular Member PEB Forum Veteran May 21, 2012 #9 Thanks for the info You must log in or register to reply here. We watched a couple videos at my office, and had some PowerPoints. I remember going to a 4th of July party thrown by a combat veteran friend-of-a-friend. I guess they need more real time training. You dont owe anyone any explanations. The good news is that shameless excuses exist. This is all scary and horrible. At the time, I had an employee for whom the video would be too much. But the elderly retired people didnt evacuate, even the ones who can do stairs. If not, why is this particular emergency getting such outsized priority? Its stupid and sexist, but it works. I found out by accident that our in person Non Violent Intervention training at another facility was PHOENOMENALLY triggering for me and I am keeping all of these in mind because I would have to get an accommodation. I have been battling car issues for over a week now. I would call in sick for this one even though I already asked not to attend. By 4pm, societal standards really will have done all the work for you. Ever. Including expert advice, conversations with wise friends from all walks of life, easy ideas to try, activities to complete - and the little things that have made a difference to her own, sometimes-bumpy life - this book is a friendly reminder that Calm is a place that exists in us all, we just have to find our way back to it. I would go with calling in sick the day of the drill. This whole topic is not funny in the least, but I have to admit I snort-laughed when I read about that factory worker. You were asked to attenda raging, booze-filled pub crawlon Friday? No one processed the paperwork and the slot got filled up every single time. Its all for workplace harmony and best if everyone signs onto it rather than facing the truth. Your boss can think you are a snowflake all he wants, but the fact is your boss is being an insensitive jerk. At their large school, the directive is that 3rd+ need to get off campus and run out to the neighborhood by any means possible. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'nevertherightword_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_4',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nevertherightword_com-large-billboard-2-0');report this adThis site does not constitute legal, mental, or medical health advice, please consult a competent licensed professional. They make you practice barricading doors. And if it is, there is a huge possibility that the other people wont show up either. Not a drill, but my church employer, with school and preschool attached, had us all watch a video of a shooting simulation at a school. If they wouldnt let you out of a fire drill, theyd be unlikely to let you out of this, and I dont know how things would shake out with saying you need to skip important safety drills as a reasonable accommodation. It was redic overall and yes it is a way of coping. Many many pointed questions would be asked, if they are going to make me go through that kinda nonsense Im going to insist that they are asked as many uncomfortable preparedness questions as possible. Our annual emergency response/operations training for chemical hazards is 8 hours. I decided to take charge of my horrific dating life and go on an actual date. One of each type of emergency drill a year is plenty. If your employment requires that you work on the weekend, organizing a spontaneous weekend away might not be possible. I do think that similar to an ask for PTO that saying its an appointment that cant be moved might still get pushback or be viewed as disingenuously. We have to let the videos play and take multiple quizzes to get a certificate, but Ive now done them enough that I can let the video play while not really paying attention, and my anxiety has disappeared over the trainings. However, if the OP schedules an appointment with their GP in advance for the day of the training they can use that appointment to discuss anything theyre dealing with. Call out sick LW. Theres a difference between practicing things so you can do them in an emergency, such as CPR, and traumatizing people so theyre more likely to panic when confronted by real danger. When my coworkers started joking about it, I told them if they kept it up, Id go to HR. Our organization lost one person in the large event because they couldnt believe it was happening and went to go see. If you have one disgruntled employee in your midst, that person now knows there will be a seven-hour interval in which everyone will be expecting what they think is a simulation of gun violence. They youd be able to get your note without having to have an excuse, you legit had to miss because you had an appointment that day. SEVEN HOURS of active shooter training? When I voiced my concerns, he made a few jokes about how he would simply redirect the shooter to a younger person.. As a parent, what do I even do with this information?! Alerting system for all employees and associated people created. Im probably among the youngest USians not to grow up with these drills; Columbine happened when I was in high school, and at that time we regarded it as an awful but anomalous eventwe had no idea what was coming. Also want to say: I hear that there are differences between younger folks experience and us middle aged people who grew up prior to mass school shootings being so frequent. Thats what you would be doing. Once I had to go down there to switch to a new bag of soda concentrate, which took a lot longer than usual. To use this excuse, you need to make a story of how awful that Tinderdate went to be described later to the party host. That said, there is a little bit of the risk involved because either y, ou will end up making them feel bad or you. Our active shooter training is online, so you can just play the video and ignore it & still get credit. excuses to get out of drill weekend Follow us. You do not need to hear gun shots or see people play dead or whatever simulated shenanigans people want to insist on. Asking the host for a favor right before they are, holding a party is going to result in your favor. I hope she takes option #4. Its also an opportunity for leaders to get some valuable hands-on time with their troops. My workplace recently made kind of a big deal about a mandatory training (DEI, not active shooter). Boo yeah! That sounds ridiculously triggering and excessive for anyone, let alone someone with anxiety. Your coworker asked you to a 9am brunch on Saturday? And we have false alarms all the timeeither people are doing something clueless like venting burned toast to the hallway instead of the windows, theyre pulling alarms on purpose, theyre tampering with the wiringor the system is just glitching. There have been several studies that have shown that the methods used in many trainings end up causing PTSD and trauma. Something tells me the response on the other end of the phone wont be get well soon.. If youre super close with them, theyll probably just laugh and say theyll catch you later. Make up a story of how your roommate needs your special attention since they are suffering from a fever. A side hustle is any job that you do in addition to your normal or main source of income. excuses to get out of drill weekend So yes, after a while you realize not much will change and there is nothing you can do about it and you dont understand why people dont careand you never see any photos of dead children so it is almost theoretical and what can you do so you just get numb. My friend who worked at Harrods was in the Harrods bombing. Just call in sick that day. Use an excuse. My heart goes out to you, OP. We havent been told what it will entail, but its seven hours long and weve been instructed to wear comfortable clothing. Im sorry, but its an all-day event? Thanks for that i now have the Byker Grove theme tune stuck in my head, which made me think of 90s Ant and Dec and now ive also got Lets Get Ready to Rumble looping around in my stupid, sleep-deprived brain! Because then a bad guy could find them. I work for a a government agency. I work in emergency management and these drills are NOT helpful nor necessary for the public. You should not have to traumatize yourself at work. And thats not even including all the training around dealing with bomb threat callers, with angry patients/family members, with weapons, with baby/child abduction, etc. This means that many people who are working full time are also studying. Many of us tried and we were told we would be written up if we did not attend. I have 2 young children, not quite school aged. But some gossip can cause harm to your team and the organization. Hell yeah, why not. I cant fathom why that level of training would be required for active shooter response. want their party blessed by the presence of these little party wreckers. Agree late 40s without kids, and I can totally picture this being really hard. Ugh, so sorry OP this is a terrible idea on your companys part. Ive never had (or heard of before now) building-specific active shooter training which is really sad because that would be so useful! There were public safety officers walking around with labels as the shooter, and they were shooting people, meaning they were telling them that they were shot. I do agree that theres a difference between physically practicing something and reading about it (and frankly, at some of my performing arts jobs, Id have really loved to have even talked through some sort of emergency response plan for an increasingly not-unlikely situation). I called my doctor and explained the situation, and she wrote a letter stating that attending the training would be detrimental to my health, with the recommendation that I be excused. My university installed Bleeding Control Kits on *every* floor of *every* building a couple years ago. As for how to do it, realistically youve got four options: 1. Same with mine; customized by law enforcement but the only customization was Oh yeah all your doors are glass so hiding isnt an option! The LW said this drill was being run by law enforcement. excuses to get out of drill weekend - shantisrl.com There is NO WAY she could do a 7 hour (!) None of it was tailored to our facility. Same. There was a mass shooting at a supermarket at her college town two years later. You are studying 7. In banks they often hold robbery simulations that range from a silent note passed to a teller to a full blown takeover with machine guns. But if thats not the case,tell them you were here (at some distant place) to pick up some workrelatedstuff,and it will be late till you reach there. Also, your boss is not a nice person. A seven hour training would be insane for any work place that isnt on a military installation or the Capitol/Pentagon/etc and EVEN THEN it would be bananapants crazy.

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excuses to get out of drill weekend