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Valheim Genshin . The Air Force One Angel later succeeds in making the man vanish in spite of all his security. ROCKEFELLER-70. 0 coins. and when the Great Division took place and then, without anything visible happening in the footage, The men execute a counterattack shortly after this, The Lunarians are either this or firm believers in. Archivist's Note:-Excerpt from the 2002 documentary "DEANDEMOCRACY: A Look Back at America's 37th President."Narrated by Molly Chen( drops her from the Chrysler Building for sharing secrets she wasn't meant to. She became a Canyon Crown when Freedom caught up and decapitated her. DEANDEMOCRACY | The Monument Mythos Wiki | Fandom The title he's given during WW2, "The D-Day Knight," is in reference to. In our world, Ed Dwight was an African-American test pilot who joined the early astronaut program but was controversially blocked from joining NASA. That all changes when he ends up captured and brainwashed by the USA Government for his unpredictable behavior in war, turning him into a Person of Mass Destruction as an impersonator of Jesus Christ. James Dean is a major character and is the president of The United States of the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS.He became the 37th president after he was inaugurated on January 20, 1969 and manage to serve the country until January 20th, 1977. His name's initials, ADA, are the same as the soon to be Anti-Dean Association. 3 25. The English Language appears to return to normal in. His brainwashed self has constantly served as a xenophobic conquerer's, As "Jesus," he was the United States Military's weapon of mass destruction during the. And as it turns out, Richard Nixon, who they're all descended from. the voice which commands C/H/A/S/E to walk to Antarctica is "Her.". They're on the receiving end of this, in a sense. they were apparently sent to attempt to kill a super being on the lunar surface, and said being, The series ends with what might be considered another Class X-4. They are both transdimensional species who can travel through arcs, or corners in the Cornerfolk's case, and their homeworld can result in visitors being disfigured into. He had a painfully lonely childhood, with his parents blatantly neglecting him and his classmates not treating him any better. Dean would personally help restore the power lines despite assassination risks, resonating with younger audiences, due to his confidence and youth. All because they'd rather have a symbol of Freedom than the real thing. 37th President of the United States, elected in 1968 instead of Richard Nixon. do not listen to your captors, proceed to antarctica. He had no say. considering we later find out the Horned Serpent is not. the D-Day Knight throws her off the Chrysler Building. She had the Lunarians kidnap the Last Son and turn him into her king, ordered the Lunarians to invade earth that results in the events of, After she's proven wrong not once, but twice in both moon missions, Luna adapts a. splinter group Advocates for the Division of America, where he calls them an "anti-American association" and sends them to "correctional facilities" that are heavily implied to be the, Ultimately subverted by the end of the season 2, where not only was it revealed that they made multiple anomalies up and coerced Leonard Morlin into presenting them to the public through reliable sources just for the sake of giving their claims veracity, but it's also implied that the only anomalies they actually exposed to the public were the ones that posed a. fabricating the existence of certain anomalies to erode public confidence in the UZ government, even going as far as forcing Leonard Morlin to work on their pieces since his former government office would add credence to their words. his three extensions and the destruction that they have caused was a side effect of human intervention. This would cause the Last Son to awaken his superpowers and become inspired to help those in need, effectively setting in motion the events of THE NIXONVERSE. 1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson . He would give a speech out to the American people, informing them about the project. John D. Rockefeller, instead of becoming a billionaire, becomes President of the United States. James Dean: I know who's doing this! during the "Evolution of the Last Son" in the final scene, the camera pans first past a figure of a man, then a figure of a person in a cape, then to the immense form of Christ on the cross that the Last Son turned into during the Vietnam War and then further past that to the even. This list does not claim to be the canon list, rather only a creation of fan content made by user Gelid Lagopus.Italic text . 1981-1989 Ronald Reagan (Mentioned in 1981, Extremely Likely, 99% Chance) She and her friends fell victim to this when the Special Tree Rockefeller planted sent them to an alternate universe. heads have been cut off by the Statue of Freedom. The truth being that I designed an abattoir, the conflict between Freedom and the Angel brings about the end of the world and the apparent "freeing" of the Special Trees and the Horned Serpent. She first appeared in CANYONCROWN. The Last Son, The Knight, Luna and the Lunarians all started out as benevolent beings who held no ill will towards humanity and even tried to help them. A French diplomat and the developer of the Suez Canal. Monument Mythos | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom He's implied to be a grown-up version of her own son. The Libertylurker is a True Force of Mass Destruction that was situated underneath the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island. After regaining his sentience, the Last Son became, Upon regaining sentience for a second time, the trauma of his previous transformations combined with the deaths of all the. Shouts this before Freedom decapitates her in. Cure deafness after the Anti-Dean Disaster and imprison and replace all ADA members using Special Trees.Re-establish the Giza Guardians using Freedom to kill captured ADA members in the Grand Canyon (all succeeded). final words at the beginning of ''THE ED DWIGHT PARADOX''. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming . "Alcatraz Zone," "Rushmore Zone" and "Washington Zone", people who tried to climb the Special Trees, 'In the end?' After surviving the end of the Deanverse, Nixon landed on the Moon and created three beings out of himself to see how this new world would react to him: The Last Son, the Knight, and the Queen. Type of Hero Beware of Spoilers. Had one with a man named Everett, who she met in Wonderland and played with for what seemed like "500 years." MaizeUS Department of TechnologyUS Department of the InteriorSpecial TreesFreedom. Actor (formerly)President of the United States It's implied by the return of the English language in later videos that they were decimated by Nixon along with The Crescent King. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS BALLOONFALLENANGEL. The Houses are revealed to be nothing but a manifestation of the psyche and body of whoever's seeing them, causing everyone who shoots at it to automatically be damaged back. 03 Mar 2023 05:00:44 charcoalman. 1789-1797 George Washington . Freedom would decapitate intruders at the Grand Canyon. James Dean is a character in the analog horror series Monument Mythos. The D-Day Knight sadly returns and kills her before this could be possible, though. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS lunarians! Nothing ends, Adrian. Them taking down the power lines in the Southeast causes Dean to go down himself and fix them, bringing up public support for him even more. The speech would also deeply affect the senators present due to the volume of the speech, cause by malfunctions in Dean's hearing aids, making his voice more imposing. 3 4. virginia and the last son meet up. leaning just out of the doorway to glare at who's likely a soon-to-be-victim. James Dean, instead of dying in a car crash in 1955, lives and goes on to run for presidency in 1968. None Racing cars President James Dean interview (Monument Mythos heckpost) His true identity as Nathaniel Arnoldson may also have played a role, as Nathaniel was implied to be a former member of the ADA. The Monument Mythos / Characters - TV Tropes Previously a normal human who unsuccessfully ran against President Dean and became his best friend, surviving the Great Division gave him otherworldly powers. At the Walt Disney Health Center, Dean and several others were diagnosed with severe hearing loss. During an ABC evening news run, anchor Peter Jennings mentions "a special broadcast of national significance." Mandela Catalog is ok but it's become the white bread to the Analog Horror community (personal take). He has been the subject of hate by the Anti-Dean . In a similar vein to the Last Son, he has. On the other end of the tech development scale, computers are shown to be willfully restricted in development, with one being developed in the 1970s and all others since being illegal. She's (depending on who you ask) the Wonder Woman Wannabe of the Nixonverse. Monument Mythos is great in that it assumes its viewers are intelligent enough to piece together what has happened and causes horrifying realizations when you figure it out. The United States government nuked it to smithereens. The first is an animated parable produced by the ADA, depicting Washington attempting to cut down his father's prized tree. Thrown off the Chrysler Building by the D-Day Knight and falls to her death. Vertex-Son. When the Lunarians ask him about what he is now - after his retirement - he replies that he is "Neither man or god," which possibly further convinces the Lunarians that they're dealing with their prophetized King, as it was said that those who were chosen by "Her" were beyond regular people and on their way to become gods. It is known for its hijacking of Air Force One in 2003. In the Apollo 12 mission, one of them is shot by an astronaut and gets their eye gouged out and stolen by the U.S. government. Both of them sent their "children" to "test" humanity, and their children end up meeting some horrific fates, A powerful, formerly human entity likened to being God, who ultimately becomes disillusioned with humanity and resigns himself to live away from them on another celestial body in the solar system. Nathaniel and Maya Arnoldson in their Canyon Crown form trying to have a family reunion. Your favorite lesser-known alt-history scenarios nobody ever seems to Lovecraft . to a gaunt and sickly man as result of his transformation into "Jesus." An entity similar to the Last Son in terms of powers and appearance, the D-Day Knight is the (despite his powers) Batman Parody of the Nixonverse, serving as an Horrifying Hero during the times of World War 2, notoriously saving countless lives in D-Day and bringing hope into the hearts of those in need with his supernatural powers and his ability to presumably Screw Destiny. It was used as a basis for technology produced by Maize before a certain incident occurred that put a stop to those ventures. ", Had shades of this as "Jesus" and The Crescent King, since he was a well-meaning superhero. For a given measure of "offspring." Sexyman Suggestion: James Dean from Monument Mythos | Fandom President James Dean is a major protagonist in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and a posthumous protagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. Dean would also successfully shut down a siren himself, greatly damaging his ears, blood vessels, and skin, causing him to go deaf. He's so stretched that his current state is completely unrecognizable as a human being. Humanity (the United States in particular) attacking them and causing them to lose their sanity is what turns them evil and makes them lose their sanity. Humanity as a whole is powerless to stop them from destroying the English language and conducting mass lobotomies. She has various connections to the other anomalies of the Nixonverse, including the Last Son and Luna. As Phillip Reed said, she craved freedom so much that she decided to take it. Said cloud ship is even used to perform mass lobotomies. The many who would attempt to turn off the sirens would trample and kill each other, creating cones of bodies around the sirens. lie about TFMDs to discredit the UZ government? the implied founding member of the Arnoldson family. ", not to save humanity and drive back the Lunarians, but to murder Alice Avenue for ", This is subverted in the very next episode, where it's revealed that the Knight murdered Alice by accident. Elderly white conservatives and the newly forming Anti-Dean Association (ADA) would be the only opposers to Dean and his presidency, creating campaigns and claims that he is Satan. surviving the Great Division, living in solitude for many years on the Moon and seeing how extensions of himself slowly go insane. "Heroic" is a bit of a stretch, but Nixon is content to leave his rogue "extensions," the. This boosted Dean's popularity, with filmmaker Stanley Kubrick calling it "the greatest silent film ever made.". . It results in thousands of Americans getting killed or deafened by the sirens they themselves hacked into, resulting in. with the government's involvement in them shown to have been embellished. This triggered his transformation into a deranged parody of Christ, who was used by the United States to perform a "Sweep And Redeem" of Vietnam. Jennings, on the night of the broadcast, would also call it "the greatest gift to the American people." Seems crazy from a glance. Maya and Nathaniel Arnoldson were members of it, if, the Air Force One Angel and the seventeen soldiers are one and the same being, but also sets up ADA, now known as the Advocates for the Division of America, states that the Liberty Lurker is in fact George Washington after he was sent to Wonderland, but that he's the. In truth, he had managed to place his whole body into the statue itself. As The Crescent King, he would aid the Lunarians in their erasure of Human language. Drew President Washington. One of the only surviving humans left alive from the Deanverse. He's quite obviously a Superman Substitute with the added power of Size Shifting, who is shown to aid in wars for both sides as he sees fit, claiming that he belongs to no nation. James Bryon Dean r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS alex has to pick the most baller music for his videos ong . Appropriate, as they are seventeen men in one. Dean would call many world leaders and high ranking military officials to confirm the non-existence of a nuclear attack. its assimilation of the United States is later revealed to be a pivotal moment in the Nixonverse spin-off Season 3, as its anomalous properties enable the people of the Deanverse to survive the Great Division. Horned Serpent, and the human victim of the transformation was George Washington. As his name suggests, he is a version of the real actor James Dean from a timeline where he lived long enough to become the 35th president of the United States. Enemies both the Cornerfolk and the Special Trees share multiple similarities. He's responsible for the creation of the Last Son, The D-Day Knight and Luna in order to "test" humanity. The Queen of the Lunarians is a Lunarian. james dean monument mythos. The fact that the Knight's grief at her death is enough to turn him into a literal monster implies that they were close.

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does vanish mode notify the other person