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Marquee: A roof-like cover attached to building and used to shelter wall openings and entrances to the building. A channel letter is the outline of a letter, with metal returns, into which a light source is placed. Retail Sales: A commercial enterprise that provides goods and/or services directly to the consumer, where such goods are available for immediate purchase and removal from the premises by the purchaser. 1. A basement, the ceiling of which is less than four feet six inches (4'6") above the natural grade, shall not be considered a story. Family Game Center: A supervised indoor amusement and recreation facility, the main use of which consists of mechanical, electronic, and electrical devices for entertainment and amusement, and which may include, but not be limited to, such facilities as card games, ping pong tables, and billiard tables. Issued Permits - PDD Online Search - Phoenix, Arizona Landscaped Parking: Landscaped parking are those parking areas which contain landscaping with the useable parking area, and may include, but are not limited to, the following elements: Large Scale Commercial Retail: Commercial development with primary building(s) greater than 100,000 square feet gross business area as a single freestanding use or in conjunction with other uses on a lot(s) or parcel(s). G-3465, 1991; Ord. Before you decide whether to get a permit, assess the process and cost involved in doing so. If the front and rear lines are not parallel, the shortest distance between the midpoint of the front lot line and the midpoint of the rear lot line. We're a vibrant, growing city and a great place to, this Planning and Development Department web page, Water/Sewer/City Services Bill (602) 262-6251. No. A variance is a request to allow a deviation from a development standard required by the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance. No. Interior Lot: The front lot line of an interior lot shall be the line bounding the street frontage. Merchandise which is included in a window display shall not be considered as part of a window sign. Net Area: The area of a lot or parcel excluding all dedicated streets or alleys and roadway or alley easements but including twenty-five (25) feet of abutting canal right-of-way when the abutting development has complied with the Canal Bank Design Guidelines set forth in Section 507 Tab A, including landscaping of canal bank right-of-way. DrivewaysDuty of Street Transportation and Planning and Development Director. Permitted land uses for this property include single-family and . RNPC Residential Non-Permitted Construction EFFECTIVE BUILDING CODES: 2012 . Fill: Sand, gravel, earth, or other materials of any composition whatsoever placed or deposited by humans. No. Veterinary Hospital: An institution for the diagnosis, treatment, and care of disease and injury in all types of animals by a licensed doctor of veterinary medicine. 3 beds, 2 baths, 1680 sq. Design Continuity: A unifying or connecting theme or physical feature for a particular setting or place, provided by one or more elements of the natural or created environment. Yard, Required: The minimum dimensions of a front, side, or rear yard as established by the use regulations for each district. G-4686, 2005; Ord. Food and beverages dispensed from booths located on site is permitted as an accessory use. Overhang: The architectural elements of a building that extend horizontally beyond the wall. G-4545, 2003; Ord. Rest Home: See "Community Residence Center" or "Nursing Home.". 2. G-4170, 1999; Ord. Adaptive Reuse: Adaptive reuse is the practice of adapting existing buildings for new purposes when the original use of a building changes or becomes obsolete. A boarding house is not a community residence home or center, hotel, motel, residential inn, or bed and breakfast. Wireless Communication Facility, Visible: A facility that is clearly recognized and not concealed or disguised. Modular Home: A dwelling unit which is either wholly or in substantial part manufactured at an off-site location to be assembled on-site, except that it does not include a manufactured home, mobile home, park model, or recreational vehicle as defined in this section. As one of its principal business purposes, offers for sale or rental, for any form of consideration, any one or more of the following: a. Sign, Directly Illuminated: Any sign which has as its source of illumination directly visible to the eye and is not internally or indirectly illuminated. No. Sign, Outdoor Advertising: Any billboard or other sign, which is not appurtenant to a use of the property, a product sold on or the sale or lease of the property on which it is displayed and which does not identify the place of business as a purveyor of the merchandise, services, etc., advertised upon the sign. No. Parking Space, Retail: A retail or entertainment establishment parking space typically having high parking turnover during a day. Sign Copy: Those letters, numerals, figures, symbols, color schemes, logos, and hieroglyphics used to make up words and elements of the sign message, including the spaces between letters, numerals and figures, but excluding numerals identifying street address only as exempted under Section 705.E. Theaters: A building or part of a building devoted to showing motion pictures, or for dramatic, dance, musical, or other live performances. Plan Review Permits - Official Website of the City of Phoenix, Arizona G-3378, 1990; Ord. Facilities for 11 or more must locate in within multi-family zoned districts. G-3629, 1993; Ord. G-5688, 2012; Ord. 2. No fueling or service facilities are permitted. Garagescape: The presence of uniformity in the treatment of house facades as it relates to the dominant presence of the garage on the street front elevation. Dwelling Unit: One (1) or more rooms within a building arranged, designed, or used for residential purposes for one (1) family and containing independent sanitary and cooking facilities. Where such front lot line is not obviously evident, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the front lot line. Financial Institution, Non-Chartered: A business other than a State or Federally chartered bank, credit union, mortgage lender or savings and loan association that offers check cashing services and loans for payment of a percentage fee. G-3829, 1995; Ord. Heliports include any of the uses of helistops. G-5581, 2011; Ord. Shortened Walking Distance: The provision of access by means of a passageway, corridor, plaza, or other means from one street to another in such a manner as to shorten the distance between a point of one street and a point on the other as compared to walking along the public sidewalk. No. Accessible Dwelling Unit: A dwelling unit designed to be approached, entered, and used by persons with disabilities. Lot: A parcel of land shown in the records of the Maricopa County Assessors Office, or any piece of property divided to be used separately from other pieces or parcels of property by description, as in a subdivision or on a recorded survey map, or by metes and bounds, for purposes of sale, lease, or separate use in a legal manner pursuant to all state, county, and city requirements for the development and proposed use or that property. Green Screen: Parallel galvanized steel wire (or equivalent) panels with a minimum of 3-inch separation and attached to vertical structures with climbing vegetation with adequate soil to enable complete coverage of the panel. The term "substantial conformance" may be used as a subset of a general conformance stipulation to remove the ten percent variation and as such that particular item shall appear exactly as shown on the stipulated public hearing plans. No. The citys permitting process is designed to be hassle-free. No. Nameplate: A plate or plaque which bears the name of the occupant of the building or property to which it is affixed. This shall not include breeding or raising of household pets or animals. Conference and Reception Center: A building or structure which houses one or more of the following: Cafeteria or dining room for employees or a related office complex, kitchen, ballroom, banquet room. Telecom Hotel: A structure dedicated to containing high-tech equipment often supporting remote users. Getting a Permit for Your Construction. Includes bulk storage and handling of such products or materials. Said event must further the athletic, benevolent, cultural, educational, historical, medical, patriotic, scientific, or social service objectives of the sponsor. Easily download and print documents with US Legal Forms. Pharmacy: A place where medicines only are compounded or dispensed. 4 beds, 2.5 baths, 1838 sq. Unpermitted addition in Phoenix. Sign Structure, Abandoned: A sign structure which has ceased to be used to display or support a sign, and where the owner of the sign structure has manifested an intention to permanently cease to use the sign structure. PDF Non-Permitted Construction - Phoenix, Arizona This includes any display consisting solely of the goods, wares, merchandise or food being peddled, sold, served, displayed or offered for sale. Glazing: A window, door or other transparent opening in the exterior wall of a building through which merchandise, services, or business are displayed or visible. Nothing in the definition of "erotic dance or performance studio" shall be construed to apply to the presentation, showing, or performance of any play, drama, or ballet in any theater, concert hall, fine arts academy, school, institution of higher education, or other similar establishment as a form of expression of opinion or communication of ideas or information, as differentiated from the promotion or exploitation of nudity for the purpose of advancing the economic welfare of a commercial or business enterprise. For multi-frontage lots, the street with the most pedestrian activity is the front street. No. Parking, On-Street: Marked or unmarked parking located within a private or public right-of-way. This classification excludes establishments providing engine repair; body and fender work; vehicle painting; towing; or repair of heavy trucks, or construction vehicles. Uses involving radioactive or highly toxic materials, chemicals, highly combustible or explosive materials, or other substances of noxious nature in the manufacturing process are included in this classification. Ammunition, Specialty or Custom: Ammunition used in rifles and handguns larger than 45 caliber in size or in shotguns larger than 10 gauge in size. Street: Arterial, collector, or local - a dedicated public right-of-way which dedication shall be in accordance with standards of the adopted street classification map. 2 Baths. Easily download and print documents with US Legal Forms. No. Cooking faculties or space and plumbing and electrical wiring which can be legally accessed and connected without the requirement of a permit issued by the City and which is reasonably capable of accommodation of cooking facilities. It is located at the front of a larger retail site that may also contain large format or large scale retail uses. G-3663, 1993; Ord. In any residential district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be the main building of the lot on which the same is situated. Bus Terminal: Any premises for the transient storage or parking of buses, and the loading and unloading of passengers (privately operated bus lines). A resort may provide services customarily furnished by a hotel or guest ranch including restaurant, bar and convention facilities. G-3731, 1994; Ord. G-4109, 1998; Ord. No. Legalization of a non-permitted addition or alteration is obtained through the issuance of a building permit. Contractor agrees to and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, boards and commissions from and against any and all claims . A stadium may be open air or covered by either a fixed or retractable roof. If the front and rear lines are parallel, the shortest distance between these lines. G-4760, 2005; Ord. No. If you wish to report such a possible violation, please fill out as much of the information requested in this form as possible. The location of a wireless communication facility on athletic field light poles, water towers, street lights, traffic light or utility poles, walls and fences, and suspended wire antennas would also be considered disguised if the antennas, cabling and related equipment and structures are not commonly recognized as a Wireless Communication Facility. Land for which a subdivision plat has been recorded, and for any condominium, community apartment, townhouse or similar project. Cooking Facilities: An area of a dwelling unit or guest house which includes a sink and a significant cooking appliance, including, but not limited to, a range, oven or microwave oven. Sign, Wall: Any sign placed or painted directly against a bearing and/or nonbearing wall connected to a building structure within the building setback lines of the premises, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plan of said wall and projecting outward from the wall not more than eighteen inches. permit is required by this code before first obtaining the required permits as set forth in Section Occupiable Space: An indoor or outdoor enclosed space designed for human interactions, such as but not limited to: lobbies, patios, rooftop decks and gardens, or areas for assembly, or other similar purposes. Hardscape: Decorative pavement or other similar decorative walking surfaces, including defined natural surfaces, intended primarily for pedestrian use. City Of Phoenix by the Superintendent of the Housing Services Division, or any building, structure or lot which is in such a condition as to constitute an imminent danger of fire, as determined by the Fire Marshal, shall constitute a public nuisance, subject to summary abatement, through The terms and conditions of approval for remedial or corrective action conducted entirely on site and authorized by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to Title 49 of the Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated; or, 2. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Legal Forms for Phoenix General Contractors Residential Buildings | US Legal Forms Phoenix General Contractors Residential Buildings - get access to a huge library of legal forms. Parking demand for certain centers may be based on Phoenixs Shared Parking Model and may include modifications to reflect specific uses, transit availability, and trip reduction programs for the site. Storage: Any property put aside for future use, salvage, repair, disposal, or dismantling. G-5745, 2012; Ord. Religious Assembly: An establishment where persons regularly assemble for religious purposes and related social events. Parking is not considered a separate use for mixed use developments. Building: A structure having a roof supported by columns or walls for the shelter, support, or enclosure of persons, animals, or chattel. As a big generalization, every place that requires a building permit and has a building code would require a permit for any kind of room addition, including patio enclosure. G-5453, 2009; Ord. Wireless Communication Facility, Tower: A lattice-type structure, guyed or freestanding, that supports, holds or contains equipment that sends and/or receives wireless communication signals, including, but not limited to, antennas. wind or gravity. Permit requirements vary from city to city, so consult your city's building department for full requirements. No. G-4545, 2003; Ord. G-6331, 2017; Ord. Transit Station: The area including the platform which supports transit usage and that is owned by the Transit Authority. Median List Price. Charitable Drop Box: A container used for the purposes of donating goods for reuse by others. SOLD FEB 7, 2023. Chiropractors, chiropodists, and naturopaths. Manufacturing, General: An establishment for manufacturing, processing, compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment or fabrication of parts or products that are mass produced from extracted or raw materials, recycled or secondary materials. No. Non-Permitted Construction 262-7811 pdd@phoenix.gov Elevator 602-262-7853 elevator.inspections@phoenix.gov Backflow Prevention 602-534-2140 backflow.prevention@phoenix.gov Journeyman Apprentice Licensing 602-495-3668 pdd.inspections@phoenix.gov Self Help B. 1. G-5846, 2013; Ord. Common Area, Improved: Common area retained as outdoor living space for residents. Mobile vending site: "Mobile vending site" or "site" (as used in subsection 10-166(b)(1) of the Phoenix City Code) means the property address or Maricopa County parcel number of the land where the mobile vending unit or mobile food vending unit will be located, which is required to be submitted to the City Clerk pursuant to subsection 10-163(11) of the Phoenix City Code. Professionally drafted and regularly updated online templates. Private Use: One which is restricted to the occupants of a lot or building, together with their guests, where compensation for such use is not received and where no business or commercial activity is associated with such use or building. Pet Care Facility: A lot or building in which household pets are kept regularly and for overnight or extended periods of time for the benefit of persons who do not reside on the premises. Enclosed by straight lines drawn closest to the figures extremities and entirely encompassing individual words of symbols; or. A lounging area is provided and a counter is not necessarily present. Disclaimer: The City Clerks Office has the official version of the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance. Provides direct access to abutting land. No. Transient Purposes: Occupancy of a dwelling, guest room, or rooming unit on a temporary basis. Street, Side: A street identified by an area plan towards which the side of buildings are oriented. 706 Accessory Uses and Structures | Phoenix Zoning Ordinance G-4760, 2005; Ord. Storage/Warehousing Indoors: An enclosed building designed and used primarily for the storage of assorted goods and materials. No. No. Includes townhouse and row house dwellings located on small single-family owned lots. Animation: The movement, or the optical illusion of movement of any part of the sign structure, design, or pictorial segment including the movement of any illumination or the flashing, scintillating, or varying of light intensity. Outdoor Storage: An exterior space used for the stockpiling or placement of materials or goods for more than 48 consecutive hours. G-3480, 1991; Ord. No. For concerns during regular business hours (Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) please call the Planning and Development Departments main switchboard at 602-262-7811. The building envelope must be identified on all design review submittals. Community Organization: A nonprofit organization consisting primarily of community volunteers, but could also include paid staff, which administers and operates an event or charity benefiting the general community. This does not include a private residence in which a related family member is required to receive outpatient behavioral health services for substance abuse or addiction treatment as a condition of continuing to reside in the family dwelling. Relief, Architectural: The avoidance of a single continuous plane on a building facade by the incorporation of inset forms such as windows or doors and/or the incorporation of forms which project from the primary building surface such as wainscot, cornice or the projection of organic or geometric ornamentation. 48 0 obj <>stream 2. Sign Copy, Obsolete: Any sign copy which no longer correctly directs or identifies an existing use or product available on the premises where such sign is displayed. City of Phoenix hiring Solid Waste Equipment Operator - CDL Trash Truck G-4840, 2006; Ord. Individual living units may or may not be equipped with kitchen facilities; congregate dining facilities may be provided for the guests. G-3498, 1992; Ord. Sign, Double-Faced: A sign composed of two parallel faces, back to back and not more than five feet apart. Home [shapephx.phoenix.gov] Panhandle Lot: A lot, which contains an appendage that provides private or shared access to a public right-of-way or private accessway. Such signs must be built into the building and shown on its structural plans. The structure must be anatomically correct in its color, texture and design to give the appearance of a pine tree. Urban Context: The combination of buildings, structures, and streetscape that form a distinct neighborhood or section of a city or urban place. Environmental Remediation Facility: Any combination of land, wells, tanks, devices, and structures of a temporary nature used exclusively to reduce the concentration, volume, hazard, or toxicity of pollutants previously released on site to the soil, air, or water, when done in compliance with: 1. This shall include, but is not limited to, buildings, roadways, and utility pipes, lines, poles, or other structures. G-6304, 2017; Ord. Oriented To: For the purposes of outdoor advertising signs, i.e. G-3850, 1995; Ord. G-3488, 1992; Ord. No. G-5181, 2008; Ord. A COW is normally vehicle-mounted and contains a telescoping boom as the antenna support structure. Commercial Recreation: A commercial recreational land use conducted entirely within a building, including arcade, arena, art gallery and studio, art center, assembly hall, athletic and health clubs, auditorium, bowling alley, community center, conference center, exhibit hall, gymnasium, library, skating rink, swimming pool, tennis court. Major Hospital Building: The principal medical building in a hospital providing at least one hundred (100) in patient beds. General Contractors Residential Buildings Forms for Phoenix The City of Phoenix Building Construction Code, Administrative Provisions Section 114 Enforcement, states that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to perform any work for which a permit is required by this code before first obtaining the required permits as set forth in Section 105 of these administrative provisions. Contractors Yard: An establishment used for the outdoor repair, maintenance or storage of construction vehicles, equipment or materials owned by the establishment. Sign, Canopy: Any sign placed directly upon or suspended from a canopy. Historic Preservation: Historic preservation as defined and regulated by Chapter 8 of this ordinance. Commercial breeding shall not include the non-commercial raising of animals, breeding animals for show, or the occasional selling of litters when such activities are conducted on the property of the owner/resident of that property. G-4156, 1999; Ord. Lot Rear: The rear lot line is that lot line opposite to the front lot line. Perimeter standards are defined and potential bonus density and design flexibility allow for quality individual property ownership within a larger development. Street, Pedestrian: Sidewalk, landscape, driveway and buildings are designed to create a safe, pleasant and enjoyable experience for pedestrians. No. Last summer, a plan for the house to be donated to the School of Architecture at Taliesin fell through. Traffic Study: A study and/or analysis of the movement of people and goods at a specific location or within a specified area over a given period of time. The owner or operator must hold all other appropriate licenses and permits. Nude models or models where costuming is as described in paragraph 1 above. Sign, roof: Any sign vertically erected upon the roof of a building or which is partially or totally supported by the roof or roof structure of the building. G-6810, 1, 2021), Chapter 2, Rules of Construction and Definitions, Correctional Transitional Housing Facility, Concealed Wireless Communication Facilities, concealed Wireless Communication Facilities, Disguised Wireless Communication Facilities. * 10. G-3628, 1993; Ord. An application for a permit may be made at the Community Development Department, Permit Counter, located in City Hall at 31 E. 5th Street, Garden Level, East side. No. Existing, non-permitted construction is not "grandfathered" in any way, and a permit will be issued only if the addition or alteration can be shown to meet the requirements of the current codes (2013 California Building Code (CBC), California Residential Code, California Energy . But it turns out that the master bed and bath for the main house . Complaint Form - Phoenix, Arizona Chapter 7, Development Standards of General Applicability. Restaurant: An establishment other than a boarding house where meals which are prepared therein may be secured by the public. Clinic, Medical or Dental Offices: A facility other than a hospital where medical, dental, mental health, surgical, and/or other personal health care services are provided on an outpatient basis, and that accommodates no more than four licensed primary practitioners (for example, chiropractors, dentists, medical doctors, optometrists, prescription opticians, psychologists, etc.) G-6810, 1, 2021). Natural Features: Land formations which include elements such as natural drainageways, rock outcroppings or formations, and significant grouping of mature vegetation. G-5480, 2010; Ord. city of phoenix non permitted construction commercial construction process flow chart city of phoenix electrical panel permit arizona department of manufactured housing city of phoenix permits and inspections city of phoenix permit application commercial building permit checklist arizona building permit requirements az building codes Building Permit: An authorization to construct a structure as issued by the Planning and Development Department. No. G-5268, 2008; Ord. Medical Marijuana: Means all parts of the genus cannabis whether growing or not, and the seed of such plants that may be administered to treat or alleviate a qualifying patients debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the patients debilitating medical condition. No. Community Center, Youth: An 18,000 square foot or larger building where a nonprofit entity offers structured, comprehensive educational and personal development for persons under 18 years of age. Auto Title Loan Establishment: An establishment, other than a financial institution, which enters into retail installment contract loan as defined in Section 44-281, Arizona Revised Statutes, for a secondary motor vehicle finance transaction.

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