Fixed enchantment to open one of the crusader chests, Fixed the ladder activator not disabling after the haunted museum quest (thanks Arthmoor!). -Actual boss fights for Legacy: the plot thickens during shattered Legacy as clues foreshadow events and people to come during Odyssey. The culmination of your efforts with Auryen, Shattered Legacy takes you all over Skyrim recovering relics of previous Dragonborn of history. Added a swanky new retexture of the Explorer's Guild charter, Fixed several papyrus errors related to updated scripts in 5.4.0, Fixed Oghma Infinium display to accept replica, Fixed display mesh for Naaslaarum and Voslaarum display, Fixed AI package on Penitus Oculatus messenger, made adjustments to factions and mood ratings on museum guards, made adjustments to faction settings on heist version of Auryen, Fixed some innocuous texture path truncation issues, adjusted Auryen Shattered Legacy dialog conditions to close a loophole in the lord's mail conversation. - [BUGFIX] Fixed The Ancient Shrouded Cowl for Argonians and Khajiit. For its specific patch. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Fixed Madras combat line referring to Eggleman before he is even found, Fixed normal maps on gallery banner so other banner mods don't conflict with it, Updated hand of glory load screen graphic, Added updated mesh for Airship from Deapri, Fixed akaviri runeblade so it can't be disenchanted (just enchanted for visual effects), Fixed issue with Varicio's deck trade topics, Fixed Shattered Legacy issue where if you got the lord's mail after Wulfharth's boots it would hang up the quest. Fixed #1087 - You can no longer get a weird number of Riften daggers as a Thane reward. -Remastered item mechanics: Malrus' codex now offers an amazing new "default" ability even when not used with any supported mods; it will award a random skill level up for every 20 (default configurable) discovered locations when used! -Overhauled prepstation system: The system works as always by default, though operates 10 times faster on average! Required only if you are playing in English. The team provides help in their free time, for free. - [BUGFIX] Dragons should no longer fly through the museum, guildhouse or hotsprings area. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Corrected the names of the Magic Effects and Object Effects of Dukaan and Zahkriisos. Retest. If you are up-to-date and still having the issue, continue on. Added an AI package to DBM_MuseumIntro to prevent Auryen from wandering off when you're trying to hand in the 3 initial items. No Esp. Test again. (SirJesto), Fixes#1263 - Fixed Navmesh Door link on the platform into Xrib Annex. Similarly bashed patch will refer to smashed and/or bashed patches. No longer will we hold hands and point out the trees in the forest. Story has been completely re-envisioned to be more canonically connected and lore friendly and connect better with future Odyssey story plans. -Expanded NPC audio: additional lines have been added for all explorer characters and Auryen for combat and follower based dialog and idles. If this doesn't work the bench can just be linked with the enabled marker. - Updated SUT Handler to disable duplicates if Legacy is loaded into a save where SUT is already setup. Fixed #1294 - Changed the mention of "Auryen" to "Eriana" in the supply buy system. - [BUGFIX] Added MASItemsSUB formlist to the Display Prepstation Script that was preventing the Book from M&S from Auto-sorting. (Jesto), Fixed being able to activate the autoload door from the Night at the Museum quest before the quest from the Blue Palace Courtyard. Fixed #1132 - Museum light mask object will no longer appear on the local map. Better tools and hi-poly stockades and ropes. You must download these if you use any CC content.WryeBash - core modding tool, used to create the bashed patchSSEdit - core modding tool, used for conflict resolutionLOOT - core modding tool, used to sort load ordersMore Informative Console - tool used in conjunction with the console to gather information on things in the - website used to allow users to share load order lists. UPDATING: Clean the following scripts before loading your game in progress with this update: dbm_byohguildhousescript, dbm_furniturebuyscript, and the instance of DBMDisplayScript xx084151 (instance ONLY). -Updated Vahlok: Vahlok's mask now rests with Vahlok who is properly unique in appearance now. Much improved dig sites. (NMM, WyreBash, or manual installs are neither supported nor recommended). Which, he guessed, they were. The prepstation will now reset it's state and global variables upon a critical failure. Believe me, I know it gets frustrating when things don't work, but remember that hundreds of thousands of people have played this mod with relatively few issues, so most problems are either user error or conflict issues and we're MUCH more willing to help people who are sincere. Fixed #1097 - Removed magic skill from "Call of the Dragonborn" ability. - Cleaned ITMs and undeleted navmesh at Guildhouse. There is also a complete list of patches available for further informationCreation Club Patches : CC patches curated by Jelidity. I dont think I installed it wrong since I did use the tutorial and followed all the . If the problem is gone, continue on. Fixed some replicas failing to auto sort (SirJesto) Fixes #1225, Fixed MCM toggles for Shrines/Doomstones (Icon) Fixes #1223, Exploration displays now increase your display count (for TCC), Merrian's Spyglass normal map fixed (SirJesto) Fixes #1224, Fixed the GetNthLinkedRef() related functions on display scripts in Deepholme (Erstam), Mask display in Deepholme now accepts all 22 variation of mask (Erstam) Fixes #1213, Daedric Items chest in Deepholme now accept all variants of Miraak's sword (Erstam), Sigil Stone will now display in Deepholme (Erstam) Fixes #1217, Updated some linkedreferences in the Deepholme treasury (Erstam), Fixed the King Orgnum's coffer display in the Deepholme not appearing (Erstam), Forsworn arrow is no longer enabled by default in the armory. Locked down the vampire parts journal so it can't fall into the void, Fixed a navmesh door link issue in the temple of Xrib annex/Sightless pit, Reworded the stormcloak victory plaque text. If no issues occurred on this minimal load order at all, re-enable all your mods on the test profile and continue on. Dragonborn: The Legacy 31. Fixed a super minor clipping issue in Septimus Signus' Outpost, Fixed a script error on one of the skulls, Moved supported patch counts to first page of config MCM. Legacy of the Dragonborn: Walkthrough guide Quest Progression Legacy begins when you enter the museum for the first time and meet Auryen Morellus, the Altmer curator of the museum. AddItemMenu is useful to get items you know you've gotten before but didn't have Legacy installed (and you don't want to do a particular quest again). Reuploaded archive as previous version was corrupted. Shadows of one's past has been revised slightly to offer some more choice options and illusions of choice within the dialog options and no longer locks you in during the end scene, allowing you to make a choice on how it plays out. The Rocket PC.png. Fixed #1291 - Akarviri shield now has correct races on the AA form. Reuploaded Update as mesh for cheat chest wasn't packed correctly. Fixed a hang-up at the end of "Shadows of One's Past" . (SirJesto) Fixes #1228, Aetherium crest is Kargas tower can no longer be picked up. If directed to re-download the game, do not forget to reinstall any ENBs, Creation Kit and ini files (if you use the CK), and SKSE. -"Coward path" option for Haunted Quest: Ikard now has dialog options to allow you to have him complete the quest instead of doing the haunted quest yourself. Then you spawn it: player.additem <ID> <optional quantity>. (SirJesto, Picky), Fixes#1266 - Fixed Paladin's Bane enchantment from doing nothing at exactly level 35. Shipment crates can be enabled for inns, player homes, and/or carriage locations. 08/02/18 - BadGremlin Replacer ESPs - Resaved in CK64. If the problem is gone, you are ready to start a new game. Fixed the airship dock not enabling correctly after "It Belongs in a Museum" is completed (thanks Deapri). A gold sink for Relic Hunters. (Jesto), Fixed Airship dock wall Enable Parent issue. (SirJesto), Fixes#1264 - Macnarian's Portrait now can not be auto-sorted. Ausfall 5 yr. ago. - [BUGFIX] Changed the casting sound level of the Ring of Khajiit. - [BUGFIX] Fixed incorrect enable state on a part of the Airship ladder in Falkreath. - [BUGFIX] Removed temper recipes for the Ancient Tongues Weapons that shouldn't have been there. You will need to seek permission from, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE Chinese Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - Czech Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE PL (polish translation), Legacy of the Dragonborn - Turkish Translation, LotD - L'Heritage de l'Enfant de dragon SSE, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Chinese Localisation Based on WOK, Chinese Localisation of Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE By WOK Studios. Please reach out with these ideas prior to altering any models for your patch just to be sure. Auryen has an idea to build a guild centred around archaeology. Only if it's obvious that you have seen these and tried the fixes and are still having issues will we chime in and try to help. Fixed #1045 - Fix for texture replacers messing with paintings in the museum. Fixed an issue with dbm_schematicscript not firing a mod event. Fixed odd audio format for one of the "Night at the Museum" sound effects. Quest not completed - DBM_MuchAdoAboutSnowElves, Quest completed - dunNchuandZelQst (Lost Expedition), Global Value DBM_DisplayMax >= 300 (Display Count), Player has not moved into Location "Museum Exterior", Player has not moved into a Location that you can teleport to with the Curator's Guide, Quest not completed DBM_HauntedMuseumQuest, DBM_ExplorerGuildHouse (A Room with a View) is not at stage 15 or 20, DBM_MuseumHeist is not currently running or is completed, Global Value DBM_DisplayMax >= 400 (Display Count), DBM_HauntedMuseum is not currently running or is completed, Quest completed - DBM_ExplorerGuildHouse (A Room with a View), Quest completed - DBM_MuseumIndarysQuest (The Staff of Indarys), DBM_AirshipQuest is not currently running, Player is in the Tamriel worldspace (main Skyrim world), Quest completed - DBM_MuchAdoAboutSnowElves, Global Value DBM_DisplayCount >= 50 (Display Count), Quest not running DBM_RelicHunterQST (Solitude docks start). Fixed several holes in the wall in the Gallery Library. Updated the "protected items" list to include the Dwemer Compass, most of the explorer's relics and the dragon claws. -Hall of secrets revamped: With the loss of the hot springs, the hall of secrets has been redesigned and explained in game in a lore immersive way, -Planetarium condensed: The overall size of the planetarium has been reigned in slightly and the nature of the build out so that it makes more sense to have been built within an existing space rather than it having been built completely from scratch. Set night at the museum items to clear as quest items when the quest initially ends (rather than during the cleanup 24 hours later), Fixed linkage issue with treasury access in the airship, Fixed enable state issue with deepholme displays, Pathing fixes to Shipment crate spots and added raven rock shipment crates, Fixed the descriptions of the Zahkrisos and Dukaan Dragon Priest Masks being swapped. Item ID Ahzidal's Descent: A short biography about the famed Nord enchanter and Dragon Priest, Ahzidal. Not actually required, but useless without it. ), Optimized NUMEROUS mesh collisions for the safehouse and museum (fixed massive FPS drop at the supply sorting configuration station in the SH), Removed unintended 150 health boost from the "something fishy" bonus from the Malrus codex ability. Fixed CTD when selling a scripted weapon before starting the museum quest line. If you are experiencing this, load an earlier save and console SETSTAGE DBM_SHATTEREDLEGACY 270, Set Shattered Legacy to once again start only when way of the voice has been completed and you have been given the SOAT, Adjusted snow elf weapon displays so hall of lost empires only displays the named versions and the armory will only take the generic, Made sure Much Ado is Stop() called at the end to release quest status on items, Fixed Latoria from taking books beyond increments of 20, Fixed Malrus' codex Fish Bowl and Fairy Cage abilities, Fixed Hircine ring plaque message activator, Fixed Latoria taking too many ruined books, Fixed various floating objects in various places, Fixed Miraak's robes not properly displaying, Modified the painting display sizes and placements. Needed for the Legacy of Dragonborn, LOTD - JK's Blue Palace, and LOTD - JK's Bee and Barb - JK's Pawned Prawn - Riften Docks - Riften Extension patches. Legacy of the Dragonborn will forever change how you play Skyrim. Fixes #1234, Added display event to the Bard's Guild quest (Icon) Fixes #1230, Added display event to several exploration displays (Icon), Added display event and incremented display count for Macnarian's portrait (Icon) fixes #1232, Reverted an accidental mesh replacement on Merrian's Spyglass (Kriana) Fixes #1231. Legacy of the Dragonborn has been ported by a third party to Xbox. This DLC expansion sized mod adds hundreds of new items, dozens of new quests and hundreds of extra hours of play. -New Mannequin free armory and custom displays: The main armory as well as various supported mods now offer a special static armor armature which will display full suits of respective armors instead of relying on the often fussy and buggy vanilla mannequins. Adjusted Dragonmail's abilities (fire immunity and 25dps flame cloak) and descriptions to match. Fixed #1288 - Set display script will now properly reset if a player tries to use it while a sort is running. - [BUGFIX] Fixed a couple Temper recipes. * - There is a lot more Unique Dragonborn Items for Skyrim; this is just a short list of some of the best and most useful. Useful for troubleshooting.Installation. Fixed #1028 - Paper supply activator on the printing press was pointing to the wrong container. Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) is a mod created by icecreamasassin for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Hand of glory replica can now be made any time it has been previously obtained. Look for your original comment on the Posts tab and reply there. Better to be safe than sorry. Re-read this note to continue the quest. Use the Discord search function. If you are no longer having the problem, and did not add any new patches (only updated existing ones), you are done and can return to your game. syrian arabic translator. -New item models: Almost every single remaining unique displayable item which lacked a unique model has had that rectified with new and in many cases, completely custom models. Fixed #1008 - Radiant tours can no longer start while Auryen is showing you the Guildhouse. OPTIONAL - Only required for the Legacy version. Fixed the female ground model for Tiber Septim's helm, Fixed the model used for the Helm of Tiber Septim Replica (SirJesto), Removed DBM_ReplicaCrafting keyword from a bunch of things, as this was triggering global craftloot. Fixed #1309 - Deleted clipping ceiling segments in Hall of Secrets, Fixed #1311 Azhidal's Armor invisibility fix. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Properly register patches from the second array. Fixed #1103 - Added an extra check to prevent the Goldbrand delivery quest from starting with other mods mess with Commander Maro. Fixed issue where Denstagmer's ring is obtainable before the quest and requires all items to be found before turn in works. Fixed issue in DBM_MuseumIntro where the display count will increment by 2 instead of 1 after turning in the last of the initial 3 relics. (SirJesto) Fixes #1226. Fixed Stalhrim spoon puzzle so Auryen can't nab it. Nocturnal's exchange. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. It's very possible someone has had this issue before (or maybe several people even!). It adds a museum in Solitude where you can store and display many items from the vanilla game as well as those added by the mod. -Universal Craftloot: Craft looting can now be executing from any default craft station in the world. If the problem persists, post in the comments with as many details about the steps you took and the issue as you can. Install Legacys core package using your mod management program, like MO2 or Vortex. If the issue is visual, have one or two screenshots handy. . This thread is archived Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. (Ice, Picky), Fixes#1258 - Dragonmail Cuirass now correctly called Dragonbone Cuirass. (Instances will be labeled as XX893A85 for example where XX is the load index of Legacy. Fixed an issue with the replica lists that was causing several replicas to become mismatched. If there are too many results you can use Page Up and Page Down to scroll through them. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Prevented "Shadows of ones past" and "Night at the museum" quest from launching at the same time. Upon review and approval the author will be given official 3rd party addon endorsement along with a graphic to display on their page indicating such. Fixed #1280 - All instances of Auryen have their size set to 1.00 instead of 1.08 meaning he is no longer significantly taller than other High Elves. Optional patch for this awesome mod and the wonderful statues. Club Penguin Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. **Requires cleaning of DBMDisplayScript.**. (Clean kmvaultscript), Treasury now emits a mod event when the gold total is updated. Fixed missing door marker in Xrib - turns out people poking around in xEdit can sometimes be useful! Console usage here is for testing purposes only. Fixed misaligned water puddle in the safehouse cleaning station next to the bed (Reported by Kh47 on Nexus Mods). You won't be able to craft a replica if you don't have this. Since you are using the test profile, you may sort with LOOT. Not required for script to work, but this patch is required for Dynamic Things - Enhanced to work with LOTD properly. We do not offer support for versions of Legacy prior to V5. Fixed #1104 - Fixed a bug with the Thane Weapons handler that resulted in the Daggers of Riften not being awarded in some cases. Weapons All types of new weapons available Articles on Magical Items Corrected manual activators on the Thane Weapon in the armory. We have taken measures to ensure that this happens as well. You agree to help him by displaying your finds in the museum, and in return he'll safe guard them, give you rewards, money, and hints for new relics to find . Lords mail replica can be crafted even after handing it in. Changed the Ongar's Kegbreaker migration message to only appear if you save is more than 5 game days old. Note: if you added new patches, you may have to start a new game, use discretion. (Thanks colinswrath for identifying the issue! If it's someone else's work and somehow wasn't credited, I'll ensure it gets added as some things could have slipped through the cracks given the scope of this mod.I welcome modders to make addon content (see articles section for info on creating support mods) which ties in well with Legacy. Fixed a CTD when using the library benches with a controller. If the problem is not gone, and if you did not follow step 3, delete the Skyrim Special Edition game folder and chose verify on Steam to have it cleanly install. Fixes #1275 - Wrong version number for 5.5.6. Legacy of the dragonborn MOD :: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim General Discussions Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Note: if there winds up being a reason to start over from further troubleshooting, take the time to resolve any mods/patches identified as having deleted navmeshes at that time. -Archaeology and Dig site patches come to SE: The patches which added dig sites and airship stops to new lands mods have been integrated into the general patch for that mod, allowing the patch to not only provide display support but also give more dig sites and parking spots for the ship. Removed the enchantment from the Staff of Ancient Tongues Replica. If you submit it to us and we review it and find it's something that we feel fits well, I'll give the OK to add the official seal of approval as an officially endorsed mod, if not it can remain as an unofficial mod so long as it's clearly stated that your mod is unofficial and won't get any support through us.Before making any patches to fix general issues, please reach out as we may already have a fix in the works. On games in progress, if you have the Sword of Ancient Tongues but have not seen Byron after 2 days, use setstage dbm_shatteredlegacy 0 in the console. The donation box in the Hall of Heroes should no longer give you way more money than it was meant to. Install ALL your other mods and make sure they are activated in your load order BEFORE running the FOMOD Patch Pack. (Kri), Fixed model for Stonehand's Gloves (SirJesto), Fixed female model for Ironhand gauntlets (SirJesto), Fixed Cyrus' Saber enchantment. Try stepping back several saves to see if the problem still exists. Not strictly necessary for this mod, just the most prominent application. There are almost 1000 Collectible items in Hogwarts Legacy, but many register automatically from Main and Side Quests or just walking past fast travel points or encountering new enemy types. Updated the plugin description to include the version for better visibility in LOOT. IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading from an older version, make sure to complete "Ongar's Kegbreaker" quest starting at the Nightgate Inn before upgrading as failing to do so may result in the quest breaking otherwise. Fixed mesh for dragon status in the museum. 5.0.0 - 5.0.32 (May not work for v5.1.0+), Legacy of the Dragonborn - Czech Translation, Needed for the mod to work or have any point (and for resources), Hard requirement for the craftloot system, This requirement is for patch, not main file. Some assets in this file belong to other authors. All major display scripts now have mod events emitted from them. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Fixes #1267 - Added a navcut box to the Cloaks of Skyrim room to try and prevent NPCs pathing there when the required mod is missing. Level : 1 - 44 - Increases your Magicka by 40 points - XX039fa1. Disabled some replica recipes when displays are enabled. Fixed issue with windcaller pass pillar scene (after windcaller relics are found) doesn't fire. Optional: An awesome Ancient Daedric Lord Armor replacer. Optional. Required by the various included LOTD pacthes, + bersetzung, Patch ist im Patch-Paket von Arthmoor enthalten, Only needed for the LOTD Version of Scribes. Replaces the LOTD Wraithguard's left gauntlet with the one from the Dwemer Armor mod. Special thanks to all the amazing team members who have been with me for a very long time as well as all the amazing folks who have joined on from the Odyssey team in order to help make Legacy amazing. Out of courtesy, please do not ping or DM anyone with a color-tagged role about support issues unless they have asked you to do so. Added 256 more section the museum API to allow for more patches. Updated 2k texture pack to fix Ayleid Pocket Realm CTD, Updated 512 texture pack to fix Ayleid Pocket Realm CTD. - [BUGFIX] Fixed a gap in a wall of the Hall of Secrets. Reunion and Union. Fixes #1127 - the CTD in DBM_ToolBagScript when using a controller or the pause key isn't properly accessible by SKSE's Input.GetMappedKey() function. No official support is offered for CC patches. I re-installed all of the texture mods and meshes and even the lighting mods but the problem was still there. (Kriana), Enhanced debug messages from the Armory/Jewlery container script. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. 1 - Unofficial Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fate Cards Re-texture - Skyrim Concept Art, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fixes and Tweaks, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch (Inigo-Auri-Kaidan-Hoth-Lucien-Vilja-Remiel-Redcap), Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch (Inigo-Auri-Kaidan-Hoth-Lucien-Vilja-Remiel-Redcap) - Deutsch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - FrankFamily's Paladin Replacer for the Crusader Set, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Greener Jade Skull for Unique Skulls HD, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Hall of Forgotten, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Improved Dig Sites SE, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Interesting NPCs Patch, Legacy of the dragonborn - Khajiit Will Follow Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Lost Wonders of Mzark unofficial patch, Legacy of The Dragonborn - museum dome sunlight and shadows, Legacy of The Dragonborn - Museum Exterior Fixes, Legacy of the Dragonborn - NPC Overhaul by 1N, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Player Homes Displays, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Quick Museum Shortcuts, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Replicas for Both Sides - No One Escapes From Cidnha Mine, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Replicas for Good Guys - Brotherhood Mementos, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Replicas for Good Guys - House of Horrors Quest Expansion - Mace of Molag Bal, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Replicas for Good Guys - Ring of Namira, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Replicas for Good Guys - The Only Cure Quest Expansion - Spellbreaker, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Safehouse Sandbox Tweak, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Serana's Safehouse Room (Unofficial), Legacy of the Dragonborn - Shirley Follower Display Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Skyrimified Enemy Level Limits, Legacy of the Dragonborn - stop talking to me, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Stuttering Begone, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Taking Skull Decapitates, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Brotherhood of Old Unofficial Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion - Deutsch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion Chinese Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Sinister Seven Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Unused OST Restored, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Volkihar Knight Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Wintersun Book Crafting, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Wraithguard - Dwemer Armor Left Gauntlet replacer SE, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Xelzaz Follower Display Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Your Choices Matter Dark Brotherhood Unofficial Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn 4K-2K - Cleaned and Upscaled Textures for LotD SSE, Legacy of The Dragonborn Ancient Shrouded Armor Replacer Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Animated Armoury The Curator's Companion updated display patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Collectors and Vendors, Legacy of the Dragonborn Craftable Relic Hunter Armor, Legacy of the Dragonborn Creation Club and Complete Replica Fixes Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Displays to JSON, Legacy of the Dragonborn Erikur's Eviction - The Gallery Gift Shop - Deutsch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Erikur's Eviction The Gallery Gift Shop, Legacy of the Dragonborn HairReplacer Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Joy of Perspective Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Mannequin Madness, Legacy of the Dragonborn Mannequin Madness - Chinese Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn Mannequin Madness - Deutsch, Legacy of The Dragonborn museum dome improved, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch - Zim's Thane Weapon Displays - Deutsch, Legacy of The Dragonborn Patch Turkish Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) - Chinese Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches - Deutsch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Plaques Retexture, Legacy Of The Dragonborn Remote Transfer Spell ESPFE, Legacy of the Dragonborn Safehouse Plus Petting Zoo, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - Settings Loader, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE patches Traduzione Italiana, Legacy of the Dragonborn Storage Control Cube, Legacy of the Dragonborn Unofficial Dark Brotherhood Reformation Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Unofficial Unslaad Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn Unofficial YASTM Patch and YASTM Rare Curios - BS Bruma Synergy Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn-Ancient Nord Stalhrim Curator's Companion patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn-Clockwork Castle Replica Display Patch, Legacy Safehouse Plus - Chinese Translation, Legacy Textures Upscaled - Legacy of the Dragonborn, Less Randomness for Legacy of the Dragonborn Items, LOTD - Relic Hunter Simple Chain-Mail Retexture, LOTD - Stash Supplies Cast Time Reduction, LOTD Museum Dress-Up for Blue Palace Terrace, LOTD Museum Shipment Crates Patch and Even More Crates for Mods, LOTD Safehouse Keep It Clean Bathroom Patch, Mannequins Behave and LOTD (Legacy of the Dragonborn) Unofficial Patch, Maple Manor SSE - Player house with Legacy Support, Maple Manor SSE - Player house with Legacy Support - Russian Translation, Milk and Honey - A Legacy of the Dragonborn addon, Mine Ore FormList Patches for Mod Pickaxes - FormList Manipulator (FLM), Modest - Frostall Food and Drinks - Lexy's LOTD Unofficial Patch, Modpocalypse NPCs - Legacy of the Dragonborn, Modular Blue Palace Terrace and Solitude Patches, Moon and Star - Legacy of the Dragonborn Consistency and Optional Creation Club Integration, More Colorful Critters Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch, Museum Gate Remade - Legacy of The Dragonborn, Navmesh Hotfix and Warmth for Rain's Shelter, Night At The Museum Ending Overhaul - Legacy of the Dragonborn Plugin.
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