When the elevator cables cut, they look down at the scale and the scale will drop to zero because the scale will be falling away from their feet at exactly the same rate that their feet are falling to their feet won't push on the scale any longer because the scale will be moving downward with them. Initially, it feels like a stretch. Yeah, I got to just walk by. But I wouldn't that I would see her. Three, two. Falling_Podcast.pdf - Unfictional Podcast - Falling Completely and Its about the stuff that connects us on this journey called LIFE. Back to April. Did you feel like you at a certain point started to actually fall out of love with him? unfictional podcast falling The defenestration of cats. Here he is at the Herbst Theater. Yeah, well, cats that fell less than five stories they did find she's not too bad. Mon 24 Mar 2014 23:00. It's very dark. UnFictional In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. A Falling Tree Production for BBC Radio 4. But you got to just be hidden. And then at that point kind of backtracked and denied having ever really loved me. 2023 KCRW All Rights Reserved. Why do you assume she's looking to save herself from the poor house? Updated monthly. Even their first kiss, he didn't realize he was kissing a girl he'd actually known for years. He walked us 17 steps and I just made the last BBC did it. Stories that will stick in your head like a memory. The car, the core of what I what I was trying to talk about was lingering doubt whether whether this was it wondering could I fall further? No names. I like it, though. Podcast Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet May 12, 2022 Producer Jaime Roque takes a ride with Ernie Moran in his 1965 Chevy Impala to explore the history and culture of the lowrider community of East Los Angeles. It was incredible. Help Davy Rothbart solve these mysteries on the FOUND Podcast, where we explore personal stories of love, loss, hope, transformation and aspiration through the lens of lost and found notes --with the power of humor and music. In Einstein's mind, he thought maybe this is how to explain gravity. I was working at Kentucky Fried Chicken. From teenagers to octogenarians, prisoners to prison guards, bra saleswomen to lighthouse keepers. You know, she was interesting, like, oh, does this work? In February of what year did the Cessna airplane at the center of this story crash? Just save and print a stack to keep in your classroom. Yes. You're attached to something which is about to be severed and you will fall totally free into the void, unable to see what's about to happen to you, presuming a net. No holds barred. Season 1 sheds light on di First-person diaries, sound portraits, and hidden chapters of history from Peabody Award-winning producer Joe Richman and the Radio Diaries team. That's right. Can you hear me? 8 years ago Was stressful. Sort of like a Lusi echo. And they noticed that that in Manhattan there were a lot of cats falling out of windows, high windows falling off ledges, falling off roofs. You die long before you disappear. In this episode, stories of the transmogrified. UnFictional (podcast) - KCRW | Listen Notes Wait, you're OK? That's a bad situation to be in. It turns out the fabric of space and time funnels down towards a black hole. So they embark on this relationship, which, you know, has its quirks, right? They're like 7000, 8000 feet. The San Gabriel mountains, location of the crash site, are north of what major U.S. city? Welcome to it! Yeah. 3. I'm already freaking out and my hands are sure to shake the very top. Which she feels like she's floating. That's interesting because my kids 10 months old and I think he's in this calibrating period. Among all the other intractable issues, one in particular interests me, and that is what's the terminal velocity of a plummeting cat. Yeah. This is April. But after nine floors, the wind resistance, which all the while has been pushing back up on you, starts to slow you down. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. Yeah, it does, because it feels out of control. Forty two floors in the cat walked away were forty two. Right. And so that will continue until you are a stream of atoms descending toward the abyss. . Vaguely. So I saw this ad on campus and it said somebody to work in a sleep lab. OK, so this is one. UnFictional on Apple Podcasts Now you are two pieces now. And off she goes to the brink. Well, actually, I have a random one for you guys about falling. And we are following. There was like an attentiveness beyond I want to ask you one thing, which, like you just said, I'm falling for him. And he is floating, OK. That's amazing. Everybody's experience it it's it's you're still semi-conscious. It appears to be this what seems to be a reflex. I'm glad to see what would happen when they would defenestrate these cats. It's the best podcast app and works on Android, iPhone, and the web. But on the ground, you've got Big Bird, you've got snakes, tigers and reptiles, all that ground like. And speaking of history and fears and Thrills, and I would add to that list tragedy. Thank you for acting surprised. By the time they were very much in love and they had decided they were going to go skydiving together together. I'm Jad Abumrad. This is where we get back to what Quammen calls the terminal velocity issue or here's how and put it to us. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. Now the barrel crash is back. And for now, Einstein, imagine this person standing actually on a bathroom scale in the elevator, in the elevator. What makes you larger and one who makes you see what you want and I should go right through the center? How about that? And I have a really, really hard time recognizing faces, remembering faces. The project also features a dynamic online archive featuring many of Deirdre's most legendary interviews and in-studio performances, newly transferred and remastered from the original source tapes. Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Every house is haunted. OK, you're hooked up to a carabiner. Is that a lucky cat or is that just plain Phisit. From powerhouse NPR producers The Kitchen Sisters (The Keepers, Hidden Kitchens, The Hidden World of Girls, The Sonic Memorial Project, Lost & Found Sound, and Fugitive Waves). Yes. Steve. 1. So I started asking my clinician friends and they say, well, they have a poor sense of balance, muscle weakness. That's why we created this free podcast reflection sheet for your classroom! And that's why I was knitting. In each episode of Family Ghosts, we investigate the true story behind a mysterious figure whose legend has followed a family for generations. A nice surprise: in each episode of SmartLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. There's all there's it goes on and on. Norman's father was a former FBI agent, and a lawyer and his career let him to travel the world, surf, ski. He's a astronomical physicist. Maurcio, star of a hit Mexican television show, is abandoned in the desert while trying to cross the border. Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations. Exactly. Listen Score (LS) is a metric that shows the estimated popularity of this podcast compared to other rss-based public podcasts in the world on a scale from 0 to 100. Street vendors are an essential part of Los Angeles history and its economy. April 28, 2022 In the U.S., nisha venkat feels safe and relieved to identify as queer and non-binary. And in fact, you just went. Oh, I'm Robert Krulwich. A hybrid of online radio, podcast and YouTube live from 06h00 to 08h00 Gareth and his team bring you unradio unscripted, uncensored, real conversations about everything that happens in our world, everything we all experience every day, what makes us think makes us laugh makes us cry makes us angry inspires us and makes us human. Their anatomy, their physiology, their behavior have been minutely studied. 27, 2014 Arts In February of 1979, a small plane crashed onto an icy slope high in the San Gabriel mountains, ultimately leaving three people dead. And our record here, it wasn't in this paper, but our record is. November 18, 2022 Two Mexican-American fans talk about rooting for more than one hometown team in Los Angeles and in Mexico. Their staff include Ellen Ward, Sean Wheeler, Lulu Miller, Rita feral cat Walter and Lynn Levy with help from Sharon, shotput Freeman, tons of car somewhere else. But get it right now you're a walker right. And that's how you walk, for example, you want to get the camera. Will the asteroid come? I am alive. In February of what year did the Cessna airplane at the center of this story crash? Or falling, falling, falling, that means to be a real good idea, to wake up from that sleep was such a dangerous proposition for so many millions of years that something like the hip knee jerk, if some of those primates had that behavior, they may have been just slightly more likely over millions of years to to adapt and survive. No names. But what people would say, how long when you were falling, how long? Hello. Hey, hi. Calculated from 1st and 3rd party data. Before we do, though, I know that we have a podcast. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. In this bundle of five Listen & Learn activities, students will listen to a podcast (runtime for each episode is between 15 and 28 minutes) focused on a variety of high-interest topics designed to hold teens' attention and facilitate critical thinking. I was totally blown away. Oh, face blindness. And presumably she's going to take the next step into fame and fortune. Unfictional Podcast - Falling: Questions To Answer While Listening What does that mean, though? I don't remember the exact moment, but I do remember sitting in the lunch room with the girls at the table and sort of scoping out the boys. You have no chance of falling off anything. And it's not obvious how he took the final step, but the final step was to realize that the what is gravity is the curvature of space and time. They would put cats in a barrel and then they wouldn't run the barrel through with sort of also throwing them out of windows. Nick has a lot of dating experience (on TV as The Bachelor and off), so he likes to think he knows what he's talking about. Yeah. A device gives us a peak at the alternate universe versions of the podcast and we get a grim look at what could have been had Unpitchable never been born. Yeah, a fellow named Charles Blondin, famous French wirewalker and a Canadian guy who called himself the Great Ferrini. Stories are higher. She was sitting at home, sitting in her apartment in Bay City, Michigan, and for some odd reason she read an article about the goings on at Niagara Falls and she decided she would go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. But finally he did. And it turns out that's not the worst of it. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds . This is what gravity is, that curved shape of space, he said. Producer James Roque follows the stories of a few of these entrepreneurs, finding out why they started vending, the challenges they encounter on a daily basis, and how they fared during the last few years. Archives, a ten-part documentary podcast series from the producers of the critically-acclaimed Lost Notes and UnFictional podcasts. The focus is on turning up new leads and theories, which the podcast has already accomplished in its short existence. 8 years ago #recommended show 6 Comments Sign in to leave a message Noah Manchester about 1 month ago from Spreaker.com it is sad too Why didnt Ollestad speak up and voice his, 4. This one. So the great Ferrini came out with a washing machine. For instance, if they were meeting up somewhere public, I'm going to need to wave first and backpacks, though, he's got to wear the same one voice really helps. But how do they do that? Ancestress the worst d o jatt. 1 phone call. New episodes every Wednesday. We brought all of our equipment and our stopwatches and had a great time. Grandmothers who were secretly jewel smugglers, uncles who led double lives, siblings who vanished without a trace, and other ghostly characters who cast shadows over our lives in ways that might not be immediately obvious. Ftbol Confidential looks at Nikys Sports, the biggest family-run chain of soccer stores in LA. The day LA and smog first met. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. I mean, walking on two legs, Lucy lived in the trees, but unlike the other primates, she would sometimes go down to the ground. And really they were just avoiding the big trick. Bastardsack , 04/15/2022. It must have. And I was looking at the edge of the roof and I stepped on it. That transition right there from falling body to floating body. He. So it wasn't a guy then? He slipped, he's slipped on an orange rind in Australia and New Zealand, got a compound fracture of his leg. Uh, let's see. But let's rewind that back for a second. And if you go on a college campus, you know, thanks to OSHA, right. It was field house girl. Meanwhile, almost every element of producer Jaime Roque's life was upended by the transmorgrifier: new job, marriage, and prospective fatherhood. No. Transcription Convert your audio to text. and then keeps right on going. This was nineteen oh one. From shocking confessions and family secrets to philosophical discussions and shameless self-promotion, anything can and will happen! Unexplainable takes listeners right up to the edge of what we know . Why is it that elderly people fall down a lot? Join author, poet, and recipient of two penises in her butt (at the same time) Asa Akira as she is joined by both her porno and non-porno friends. Throwing out the window really? That's like the cat can apparently do that move lickety split, but the cat is still speeding up, going faster and faster, three floors, five floors, seven floors. Yeah. The guy who did that would be the real gravity here. Yeah, we wanted to ask him really one of the most basic questions you could ask a physicist, why do we fall? She had traveled all over the world. And she's been there since that research paper was written back in 1986. So he could only tell you what would happen. That's one. It's a it's a shame we can all agree about that. Made in L.A. Streaming music, news & culture from KCRW Santa Monica, Live streaming music, news & culture from KCRW Santa Monica. You were walking wusses, Niagara Falls is one of the great forces of nature, every second 600000 gallons fall over the edge, pound rocks below with such a fury that you can hear it five miles away. There was my young husband and his arms are baby trembling and whimpering. Unpitchable Podcast on Apple Podcasts 25 episodes In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. We have no choice. It's about 300000 times slower than signals move around in a computer. Oh, my God. How I happened upon the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, familiarly known as G.V. Come back. Bent By Nature Episode 1 introduces KCRW DJ Deirdre ODonoghue, host of "SNAP!," a freeform alternative and independent music and culture program in Los Angeles in the '80s and goes inside the community she cultivated, her passion for music, and the problems she had with KCRWs management and staff. I like saying that. If we go back to Australopithecus afarensis, this is Lucy, three million years ago, Lucy was bipedal. The experience of being with her, I think ran ahead of my sense of her biography. A hybrid of online radio, podcast and YouTube live from 06h00 to 08h00 Gareth and his team bring you unradio unscripted, uncensored, real conversations about everything that happens in our world, everything we all experience every day, what makes us think makes us laugh makes us cry makes us angry inspires us and makes us human. Falling_Podcast.pdf - Unfictional Podcast - Falling. I can not. Yeah, I love that, because at first he sounds like this dinosaur falling through the air, but then the sound changes and it's just like. I careened and spun. Instead, he told his son to just _____ _____, 4. I was I was eight years old. She thought, this is it. That's right. No, I just said it was a guy to set you up so that you would ask me that question because, in fact, it was a woman. Is that the way it felt? No cat should ever jump out of a window. Mauricio leaves Mexico City for Los Angeles, and his dreams of television come true in a very unlikely way. And the reason why right now I feel the chair pushing up on me is again, my body also wants to slide down, but the chair is getting in the way. So that's your cruising speed as your cruising speed. No, of course, we love our cats now, we don't do that to our cats anymore, but when we went to visit ambacher, the veterinary hospital, we were asking her about the Falling Cats research paper, which was called the Feline Hyrule Feline, a high rise syndrome. That board Radiolab is produced by WNYC and its message science reporting on Radiolab is supported in part by Science. The higher, the more popular. This hour, Radiolab dives into stories of great falls. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. Player FM - Podcast App Go offline with the Player FM app! She took on this thing that the world was waiting for, and she did it. Well, tell me your name first and just tell me how you would like to be identified on air. Yeah, it's hard somehow. Well, agnosia is a lack or an inability in proso is the Greek for face. I'm doing the math to see how many that is in a week of days. Stay indoors. UnFictional | Podcasts on Audible | Audible.com Always interesting with varied subject matter. UnFictional podcast It's a one way trip, OK? I said, why would the cat fall out? I kick myself awake. Signup to sync subscriptions across devices. Lost recordings, hidden worlds, people possessed by a sound, a vision, a mission. The day Los Angeles and smog first met. That Fanny Taylor. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. With no one around to help, young Norman had to make his way down the mountain and somehow find rescue. So just so we get our definitions right, what is a hypnagogic? Player FM is scanning the web for high-quality podcasts for you to enjoy right now. That's right. And I walked by there a few times without him knowing it was me where I could see him and look at him. And we're still about a hundred and thirty two and five months. Basically, if you love This American Life then subscribe to this . No, it isn't. As you fall in, the gravity at your feet becomes rapidly greater than the gravity at your head. And how does that work? If you can never get enough true crime Congratulations, youve found your people. When I came to New York City, I said, what do you mean cats fall out of buildings? UnFictional Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App Do we know this or we just know how are we going to know this story? Mission control is going OK. Sending that message to the feet. If I passed you in the street, I can't swear that I've ever seen you before. But cats that fell between five and nine between five floors and nine floors had really serious injuries and had more injuries per cat. More information about Sloan at w w w Sloan. Yes. May 26, 2022 When Aric Allen was 21, he lived in a desolate mountain cabin for 10 weeks. View full document Completely and thoughtfully answer the following questions. They are looking at that. Should have a higher rating because this podcast rules. That would be impossible under normal circumstances. "The Kitchen Sisters have done some of best radio stories ever broadcast" Ira G Have you ever found a note on the ground, maybe meant for someone else? The extraordinary stories of ordinary life. So whenever you're faced with a gravitational problem, this allowed you to ignore gravity and translate it into a problem about motion. Right now you running now something that happens in let's say multiple sclerosis and maybe also when you get old, says David, is that the timing starts to change because there's damage to the sheathing around the nerves and that slows down certain signals. Well, if you go back about a thousand years, know, it was thought that they consorted with witches, with the devil and their reputation got darker and darker. And who wouldn't be? They're sort of like particles that just kept colliding in the lobby of the dorm on the sidewalk. The best of what to see, hear, eat, do, and more. The Heart is an audio art project and podcast about intimacy and humanity. Each of the five easy-prep lessons in this download include: She didn't look like a hero more than that mean well, I've kept something from you. Two Mexican-American fans talk about rooting for more than one hometown team in Los Angeles and in Mexico. When they pull her out, she's alive. And please let us know about your favorite podcasts . So next, we have a story of a different kind of fall. But according to David, it's actually not as much of a shame as you would think. So how do you explain that? But at night, she crawled up the tree for safety, she climbs up in that tree, drops food there for her baby, and she's going to drop off to sleep. I would take a picture of the two years set suited up with your helmets, have since fallen out of love and fall in love with other people. Unexplainable on Apple Podcasts And then one day I woke up and swear to God, like all the leaves fell off, the trees fall turn into winter, and Simon told Cerita it was over something about a core that I'm lacking. Yeah. April 14, 2022 Imagine entering a giant machine that sucks you in one end, and spits you out the other side as something completely different. We love to laugh, be silly, and get deep! The episodes tell deeply layered stories, lush with interviews, field recordings and music. These print-and-teach worksheets also include sub plan instructions, in case you need someone else to run the show. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor. What details did you know about her? You have to send signals all the way out to the toes and all the way back. She's in the barrel, getting hurled down the river, tossed and turned my brain tall. It could be a cocktail. They'll make sure their first drop is like a foot or six inches even then, and a big yellow and red signs all over it. The summer before the crash Ollestad and his father were in Mexico. This Vox podcast explores scientific mysteries, unanswered questions, and all the things we learn by diving into the unknown. It's just kind of embarrassing. But he thinks that when you go. Stay with me, girl. The Heart is an audio art project and podcast about intimacy and humanity. It's actually haunting to me to hear that. Yeah, I probably said if you, you know, went to the park and started looking at trees, the shapes are different. Falling - Spreaker And what is what is a lot I mean, how many cats were coming into this place? Its a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! The San Gabriel mountains, location of the crash site, are north of what major U.S. city? Over the last couple of years, it feels like everyone has been through the transmogrifier in one way or another. That's right. Listening Skills Podcast Activities, Listen & Learn Pack, Distance And they're surprisingly slow in the brain. Um. Oh, poor. It was just like I was at the bottom of a well, sitting and stewing. And the legend goes that Albert Einstein was walking around one day and he found himself imagining a person riding in an elevator. I'm not sure what it means. He said, if you imagine the universe as a vast rubber mat, a rubber mat held really, really taut, let's just take a wider and let's take the earth and just plop it on to the mat. In a blue dress? You know, they said, oh, that's a hip, knee jerk. Where do you do that? Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. Extension: the podcast connects to the present with a quote from Trump about taking down Washington's and Jefferson's monuments since Confederate monuments are coming down as well. Just sort of. And he made really good eye contact to the point where it's a little flirty. But then they go on an island where she changes into some gym clothes and now she gets in the barrel. I'm Jad Abumrad. It's a really catchy term. We're going to call her Cerita and the boy. And so. I hope there is a third season, because this podcast has not even scratched the surface of failures. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. Listen to all episodes of FOUND on Wondery+ or on Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription. Over the last couple of years, it feels like everyone has been through the transmogrifier in one way or another. Well, this is a love story and in some ways it's a very typical love story. You're ready for this? Established in September 2016, Unfound is a missing persons program concentrated on interviewing family, friends, and reporters who are closest to the cases. I like it the best. Yes. Oh, my God. You ride up to the top of this tower in this very rickety little elevator type of thing and rising up in the elevator right now, 150 foot tall tower confess, climbing up and up and up. Its UnFictional, hosted by Bob Carlson. Learn more at radiotopia.fm. So I might as well title the book with that because there's a whole chapter on how to die as you fall into a black hole, which I personally think is kind of cool way to die, because what happens is the gravity of the black hole is extreme. Come back. I didn't know that. You fall in, you're not coming out. November 18, 2022 Ftbol Confidential looks at Niky's Sports, the biggest family-run chain of soccer stores in LA. Oh, boy. And do what? Into the pools, below the great mass of foam and boiling water. The only survivor was an 11-year-old boy named Norman Ollestad. Another way of saying it, the flip it around, it may make it more clear, just as you can turn gravity off by snapping the cable, you can actually simulate gravity by pulling on the cable that pulls that elevator up really, really quickly, because now the scale is running into your feet. They find out I do astrophysics. Let's check your harness. The most anticipated trick, the one that everybody was waiting for was somebody going over the falls in the barrel. It's like a 15 story building that we're having, like, oh, yeah, this is just halfway. And then what happened, you graduate and then did you move in together? You just had the inside on your own. So in fact, you're getting while you're getting stretched, you're getting squeezed, extruded through the fabric of space like toothpaste through a tube. A new topic or a new idea. She's written a whole book, Converse, about the first person to conquer the falls in a barrel. Don't lie down. What are you doing? Yeah. This is David here. Meanwhile, Jeremy and Waverly are the gumshoes on the case of everyones epic bad luck. So what just happened? Ove the rowing man. Listen to all episodes of FOUND on Wondery+ or on Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription. Back down on the water and then it floats. Our next following feature. All right. So then I was looking down at the ground as the red brick floor was coming towards me and I was thinking about Alice in Wonderland, how this must be, what it was like for her when she fell down the rabbit hole.
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