strawman birth certificate bond

Your birth certificate trust value for your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, legal fiction corporation identity is about 7 million dollars at birth. STRAWMAN What can you do about it? The fictional person of government can only function in a fictional commercial world, one where there is no real money, only fictional funds mere entries, figures, & digits. Birth Certificate Bond | PDF | Uniform Commercial Code - Scribd HJR-192 superseded Public Law (what passes as law today is only color of law), replacing it with public policy. ANYTHING else is not correct. It needs a conduit, a transmitting utility, a liaison of some sort, to connect the fictional person, & fictional world in which it exists, to the real world. In other words, all debt is now public. The power of this document is awesome. "His 'Straw Man' Free, A Scammer Finds the Rest of Him Isn't." Your NAME is applied to a foreign corporation which is subject to . DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E is NOT a Patrick Devine website. land to the international bankers (Federal Reserve Corporation); and confiscated and outlawed all the gold except for one ounce for each person; thus, eliminating the lawful means (Gold and Silver Coins) by which you could legally pay your debt, the UNITED STATES also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay. In fact, it's fairly simple. The Certificate Of Registration of Live Birth is By Banking Definition Termed "A Certificated Security" The application they made was known as "an application for a live birth certificate" and what issued from this application was known as a "birth certificate." We sometimes share our thoughts and opinions based on FACTS and well-researched topics. WRONG! When your birth certificate was monetized and converted into a UNITED STATES Government Bond shortly after your birth by your Mother, your net worth became unlimited, into Billions of Dollars, without your, nor your Mothers, and Fathers, knowledge. Powered by, Badges | 287). The bankers loan credit and not money, because there has not been any lawful money since 5 June 1933. Accessed 12 January 2017. About Us These birth certificate bonds were collateralized by your birth certificate and your mothers maiden name under an Act of Congress in 1921. Your signature on your SS-5 was monetized and created an unlimited amount of money to pay off the national debt. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of The United States is a District of Columbia corporation. In fact, its fairly simple. Legal Disclaimer: US Birth Certificates is a privately owned website that is not affiliated with, not owned or operated by any government agency. Its a government created shadow, a fictional man or woman with the same name as ours. If there is no record of the Fiduciary Tax Estimate & the Fiduciary Tax Return, we then request the individual tax estimates & individual tax returns to determine if there is any delinquency. Like all good corporation companies, the United States government offered to its worker bees or drones (You) insurance benefits known as Social Security. How can the real man in the real world, function in the fictional world in which the commerce game exists? There is business! Welcome To A.W.A.R.E, the Most Trusted Sovereign and Business Redemption Providers for We the People. Edition, page 1421. Often, victims of the scheme are instructed to address their paperwork to the Secretary of the Treasury. We do not sugar-coat whats true. Sending the nonnegotiable Charge Back & Bill of Exchange accesses our Treasury Direct Account (TDA). What if we learned how to control the flow & movement of entries, figures, & digits, for our own benefit? By browsing this site, you accept our Cookies Policy. Without a proper Order, & now we know theyre not in possession of such a document, they must leave us alone or pay the consequences. The Strawman is a shadow, a go-between. "Do unto others, as you have others do unto you." So Much Confusion Resolved - Birth Certificates aka CUSIP Bonds They offered insurance to all of us and your parents, if you would fill out an SS-5 form, also known as "Application for Social Security Benefits" form or debt application. Email us at Dismiss. Order a Birth or Death Certificate - Utah County, Utah We were never toldthat they quietly & cleverly changed the rules, even the game itself, & that the world we perceive as real is in fact fictional -and it's all for their benefit. STRAMINEUS HOMO:Latin: A man of straw, one of no substance, put forward as bail or surety. Strawman - Bond - Birth Cert - bitcoinp2p YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND IS WORTH BILLIONS - United Truth Seekers STRAMINEUS HOMO:Latin: A man of straw, one of no substance, put forward as bail or surety. Theres something else you should know: Everything, since June 1933, operates in COMMERCE! These CUSIP Bonds are public debt obligations racked up against you and your assets. Birth Certificate Bonds TreasuryDirect You will notice that the inscription on the birth certificate is your name in all-capital letters. The "strawman," the theory states, is an entity created by an alleged 1933 "House Joint Resolution" marking U.S. residents as collateral for the country's loans. Also, the "Exemption Account" is a false term; these accounts are fictitious and do not exist in the Treasury system. Click Above, Thank you. When you want to know just how much money you have in your Government Birth Certificate Bond and your SS number Trust that make up you Pre-Paid Exempt Reserve Account so you may be able to get money from your stock certificates that are traded on the stock market daily in your Legal fiction, STRAWMAN name, send cashier check or Postal money . "Integrity Bulletin." In fact, the theory is officially recognized in US law as a scam. This secret has been hidden for over 79 years. We then become liable for the debts, liabilities & obligations of the Strawman, relinquishing our real (protected) character as we stand up for the fictional Strawman. Thank you. Actually, If you check your BC, you'd notice that it is printed on bond paper. WHO IS TRADING ON YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE/BOND FUND? Then your birth certificate bond became a negotiable instrument just like any security instrument under UCC Article 3, code of commercial law in which the world trade falls under. YOUR LEGAL FICTION STRAWMAN ID The Great Government MONEY and CREDIT SCAM. The Strawman theory holds no true meaning in real legal proceedings; it is nothing more than a fallacy. We are a group of knowledgeable individuals with a passion to spread wisdom with others. Because all facets of the media (print, radio, television) have an ever-increasing influence in our lives, & because media is controlled (with the issuance of licenses, etc.) But government does exist in a fictional world, & can only deal directly with other fictional or virtual persons, agencies, states, etc.. This is commerce, & we play by the rules of commerce. Anyone who states the strawman theory on their tax returns is likely to be fined by the IRS. The UCC-1 Financing Statement is the one contract in the world that can NOT be broken & its the foundation of the Accepted For Value process. And if so, how? The Strawman can be summed up as an imaginary, passive stand-in for the real participant; a front; a blind; a person regarded as a nonentity. When they cannot produce the Order (they never can, it was never issued) we request the account be properly adjusted (the charge, the claim goes away). In-Person Orders. Amend a Vital Record | Utah Office of Vital Records and Statistics Copyright 2006-2023 A.W.A.R.E | All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, U.C.C 1-308, Take Back Your Strawman YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND IS WORTH BILLIONS, When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933 under the bankruptcy (Straw man) law known as HJR, 192, pledged all Americans as collateral (debt slaves) against the national debt to the International Bankers; gave all the. Property of the real man once again becomes tax exempt & free from levy, as it must be in accord with HJR-192. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. UCC-1-Uniform Commercial Code-Take back your Strawman. This site is all about spreading truth, awareness and enlightenment and serves as EDUCATIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. The United States government agreed to do this for you with the passage of House Joint Resolution (HJR) 192 back in 1933 shortly after the National Emergency and Bank Holiday was declared by President Roosevelt. Section 9 of the order reads as follows: "Whosoever willfully violates any provisions of this Executive Order or of these regulations or of any rule, regulation or license issued thereunder may be fined not more than $10,000, or if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both; & any officer, director or agency of any corporation who knowingly participates in any such violation may be punished by a like fine, imprisonment, or both. We thank everyone who has supported us. The bonds are hypothecated and traded on the stock market until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes. Re: Find out how much your birth certificate is worth. WE WERE NEVER TOLD, WE WERE BEING ABUSED! initials are not to be used. Strawman theorists, also known as Freemen, use birth certificates to explain the theory of 2 different identities. - can operate upon you, no agent &/or agency of government (including courts) can gain jurisdiction over you, WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. This all originated from the November 23, 1921, Shepard Towners Maternity Act that was to help new mothers with the care of their children if the mother was unwed and reduce the mortality rate of child deaths. More on this later. If they dont adjust the account a request is made for the bookkeeping records showing where the funds in question were assigned. The UNITED STATES Corporation Government did that by providing what is known as the Exemption Account. No movement, no commerce. The basis of the theory is related to the existence of birth certificates, and the way in which they are issued. Because all facets of the media (print, radio, television) have an ever-increasing influence in our lives, & because media is controlled (with the issuance of licenses, etc.) Thats right, all of your debt is prepaid with what is known as a Money Of Account with your name on it in all CAPS, just like your driver license, SS Card, auto title, and everything else issued by a government or corporation identifying you as collateral to pay off the United States Bankruptcy National Debt. Explaining what a Strawman is and how to deal with mortgage arrears, how government and taxation work, dealing sensibly with debt and understanding the issues with attending a court hearing. The order (proclamation) issued by Roosevelt was an undisciplined act of treason. Since the TDA exists for the Strawman -who, until now, has been controlled by government - WE can gain control (& ownership) of the Strawman by first activating the TDA & then filing an UCC-1 Financing Statement. From now on, when presented with a "claim" (presentment) from government, we will agree with it (this removes the "controversy") & we will ACCEPT IT FOR VALUE. Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The physical self is referred to by a slightly different name - for example "John of the family Smith", as opposed to "John Smith" Content from External Source Look in the lower left hand corner of you BC and it will clearly show you what bank holds your bond as trusts. We simply share his files, documents, and audios free of charge. decreed by government, but that WE, the real man & woman, are not. We were never toldthat government had quietly, almost secretly, created a shadow, a STRAWMAN for each & every AMERICAN, so that government could not only "control" the people, but also raise an almost unlimited amount of revenue - so it could continue not just to exist, but to GROW. Privacy Policy The bonds are hypothecated and traded on the stock market until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes. As an example, John Adam Smith is correct. MUST READ! Trainers and websites will often charge large fees for kits that teach individuals how to perpetrate this scheme. The UNITED STATES Corporation Government did that by providing what is known as the Exemption Account. This gives us virtual ownership of the government created entity. ANYTHING else is not correct. When we use any commercial paper (checks, drafts, warrants, federal reserve notes, etc. It is a world of "digits" & "notes", not of money & substance. Two months after the Executive Order, on June 5, 1933, the Senate & House of Representatives, 73d Congress, 1st session, at 4:30 p.m. approveHouse Joint Resolution (HJR) 192: Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard & Abrogate The Gold Clause, Joint resolution to assure uniform value to the coins & currencies of the United States. Such as issuance of Selective Service Regulations, establishment of boards to investigate certain labor disputes, & establishment of quotas or fees with respect to certain imports into this country. The Strawman theory is a belief relating to the legal position of a countrys citizens. A registration of birth is simply making a legal record that the birth has taken place, and recording the details relating to that birth that are required in law to be recorded. "Bogus Sight Drafts/Bills of Exchange Drawn on the Treasury." Person who purchases property for another to conceal identity of real purchaser or to accomplish some purpose otherwise not allowed. The UNITED STATES Corporation Government did that by providing what is known as the Exemption Account. By doing this we discharge our portion of the public debt, releasing US, the real man, from the debts, liabilities & obligations of the Strawman. In Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. Strawman Birth Certificate Theory - US Birth Certificates The strawman theory is a conspiracy theory that is particularly popular in the United States. On the bottom of the posting was the following: CRIMINAL PENALTIES for VIOLATION of EXECUTIVE ORDER $10, 000 fine or 10 years imprisonment, or both, as provided in Section 9 of the order. Services Filing a UCC1 With the Treasury Department and Redeeming Strawman Such as issuance of Selective Service Regulations, establishment of boards to investigate certain labor disputes, & establishment of quotas or fees with respect to certain imports into this country." This claim takes place in the commercial, fictional world of government. Taking this one step further, the rules of grammar for the English language have no provisions for the abbreviation of people's names, i.e. There is business! Reality & fiction are reversed. When your birth certificate was monetized and converted into a UNITED STATES Government Bond shortly after your birth by your Mother, your net worth became unlimited, into Billions of Dollars, without your, nor your Mothers, and Fathers, knowledge. Since the TDA exists for the Strawman -who, until now, has been controlled by government WE can gain control (& ownership) of the Strawman by first activating the TDA & then filing an UCC-1 Financing Statement. This $1,000,000 (one million) account is for the Strawman, the fictional "person" with the name in all caps &/or last name first. Yes, this process IS powerful. Birth, Stillbirth and Death certificates can be requested by visiting our offices with current photo ID and form of payment. The Exemption Account is your exemption from having to pay for anything. We are a private organization and offer no refunds on any of our services. Though it is unclear how. WELCOME TO THE CRUINN COMMUNITY Birth of a Community (A Land for the Living) The truth is that throughout everyday life, people everywhere use and rely on Common Law to live and work together. This is done by requesting the Fiduciary Tax Estimate & the Fiduciary Tax Return for this claim. What does it all mean? We have the answer, and all the documents and information you will need to complete this. Your Birth certificate trust value for your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, corporation identity is about 7 million dollars at birth. This unpaid debt, under public policy, now carries a public liability for its collection. Redeem Certificate of Birth - educationcenter2000 But when we, the real flesh & blood man & woman, step into their "process" we become the "surety" for the fictional Strawman. 1785 we find The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State (see: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. Follow the instructions. Its also the hook they use to get you to sign up as their collateral or debt instrument to pay the United States Bankruptcy National Debt. FEE LIST. HJR-192 states, in part, that "Every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the oblige a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in any amount of money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public policy, & no such provision shall be contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred. They believe that you can meet your strawman by looking at your birth certificate. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that something is your credit. In the past we have addressed these claims by fighting them in court, with one legal process or another, & failed. The history of the strawman theory dates all the way back to Roman times. Two months after the Executive Order, on June 5, 1933, the Senate & House of Representatives, 73d Congress, 1st session, at 4:30 p.m. approve, EIN Package 6: EXPRESS 24 HOUR Business Day Delivery - Estate AND Foreign 98 EINs - $329.99 (Espaol), EIN Package 5: EXPRESS 24 HOUR, BUSINESS DAY Delivery - Foreign 98 EIN - $199.99 (Espaol), Banking Tips For Opening Up A Bank Account, Business Credit Cards To Apply with Bad Credit, Bankruptcy Should Not Be Reported On Your Credit Report, 4 Websites To Help You Build an 800 Credit Score. Its all business, a commercial undertaking, & the basic procedure is not complicated. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Youre already signed up for this program from birth when your parents gave you away by filling out a SS-5 Application; its just that no one told you about it, UNTIL NOW! NOTHING, other than John Adam Smith identifies the real, living man. Well now, with the Strawman under our control, government has no access to the TDA & they also lose their go-between, their liaison, their "connection" to the real, living man & woman. STRAWMAN: A front, a third party who is put up in name only to take part in a transaction. The United States government -actually the elected & appointed administrators of government -took (& still do, to this day) certified copies of all our birth certificates & placed them in the United States Department of Commerce as registered securities. What Rights Do Fathers Have if Not on a Birth Certificate? By doing this we remove the negative claim against our account & become the "holder in due course" of the presentment. ), & accept it as money, we simply pass the unpaid debt attached to the paper on to others, by way of our purchases & transactions. PDF Sellers Amended Complaint - United States Department of Justice ), it can not, by itself, function in the real world. Government has an implied agreement with the Strawman (government's creation) & the Strawman is subject to government rule, as we illustrated above. In order for a fictional person to deal with real people there must be a connection, a liaison, & a go-between. We were never told, openly & clearly with full disclosure of all the facts, that since June 5, 1933, we have been unable to pay our debts. All that credit created is technically, and rightfully, yours. If you are looking for blank forms, you can get them for free at the relevant state office. Your signature on your SS-5 was monetized and created an unlimited amount of money to pay off the national debt.

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strawman birth certificate bond